Kramer Voyager into EVH Shark/EVH Star hybrid
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    Padawan PraiserWell-LikedKnight Of Da RoundtablePic Poster25,000 VHL Life Points

    Default Kramer Voyager into EVH Shark/EVH Star hybrid

    Question about your thoughts on Kramer Voyager and the beak headstock. Do you like it? I've always hated the beak headstock and always thought that guitar would have been way better with a Banana/ Explorer/ Ibanez Destroyer headstock. Never understood why Kramer didn't do that. Didn't like the later (85) extreme pointy designs, these were a bit... let's say over the top.

    I just can't make myself like that guitar with the beak neck on it. Now with 2014-17 Voyagers practically unavailable (they appeared in very limited quantities, still not listed on the official Kramer website), can this happen and Kramer make yet another reissue? A guitar much in the vein of EVH Ibanez Shark Destroyer or no longer produced EVH Star with much-hated Dano headstock..

    With Van Halen releasing EVH Shark without a Floyd, releasing something like that with a Floyd Rose, more accurate headstock, and at a lower price would be huge. EVH has 5150 striped series and Kramer has a cheaper and more accurate the 84. Now EVH has Shark and Kramer... Pictures for references but these are beauties for sure!

    EVH Shark, Destroyer headstock, the current Epiphone Explorer head, and the banana headstock. We all know Kramer is owned by Gibson/Epi so both banana and Gibson/Epiphone Explorer headstocks are an option...

    This can be an answer to EVH Shark, which is a bit over the top (all those turnbuckles), and no longer produced EVH striped series Star guitar, which had the much-hated Dano headstock. With a Floyd Rose, Seymour Ducan pickups, and at a cheaper price, Kramer is gonna win and beat the competition (EVH, Fender, Charvel etc.) Think about it!

    And a quote from a Kramer facebook group: It *likely* boils down to "who owns what trademark". Gibson owns Kramer. They get to make guitars with an explorer headstock or the famous hockeystick headstock ala the 5150. EVH guitars obviously cannot do this. Since they're in partnership with Fender, they can use strat headstocks. Fender owns Hamer so they can use the Hamer version of a hockeystick. Somehow they can use the danelectro headstock too (not sure how or the current status on that).
    Last edited by marcin; 09.11.19 at 01:15 AM.
    "If you ever speak to me like that again, you better be wearing a cup" - EVH, 1996

    "Stupid neighbors called the cops/Now the party's over/Angry housewife wants my name/Tell her it's 'Ben Dover"

    Sammy Hagar made Van Halen even better. Deal with it.

  2. Dave not David thanked for this post.


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