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06.17.15, 12:57 AM #1
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Donald Trump announces that he is running for President of the United States.
I like him because he's a doer at heart, and not a complainer at heart, like I see some of the other GOP hopefuls are. And, like Donald says, he's so rich, that donors and lobbyists cannot influence him off what he knows is best for the country. Like actually building the wall between the US and Mexico --- something that GW couldn't get done as Gov. or as President!!!
I would definitely vote for Donald Trump for President over most others in the field!!
Video: http://www.c-span.org/video/?326473-...n-announcement
Text: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/news/do...l-announcement
https://www.donaldjtrump.com/Last edited by The Rover; 06.17.15 at 01:13 AM.
R.I.P. Edward Lodewijk Van Halen ~~ The Einstein of Rock Guitar ~~
06.17.15, 05:14 AM #2
06.17.15, 08:18 AM #3
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what a sad statement that this guy is actually looked at as a somewhat viable candidate.
06.17.15, 08:28 AM #4
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01.24.24 @ 02:34 AM - Likes (Given)
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True but anyone who is willing to secure a border that has been basically unchecked for the last 6 years will get my vote. It is time to quit pussy footing with these liberals and hurt some fucking feelings for the security of the future of this country. BUILD THAT WALL!!
"Alcoholism, is like, the only disease you can get yelled at for having" - Mitch
06.17.15, 08:28 AM #5
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He's not. He's been doing this since I was a kid. He "ran" for mayor of NYC several times. He gets to a certain point then he drops out. Can't believe some people still fall for this. He does always bring up some good points, though. I wouldn't have a problem if he was doing it to keep the other candidates honest, but that's not why he's doing it.
"He has a swaggering retro machismo that will give hives to the Steinem cabal" -Camille Paglia on Donald Trump
"But, fucking with Brook is like fucking with hot shit on and ax handle. You just don't get a grip"-track5
"Make way for the bad guy"- Tony Montana
'This hamburger don't need no helper"- David Lee Roth
"I wish Bon Jovi would've given me a call before he recorded all of his hits, because the lyrics would've been smarter, the melodies would've been much more smashing, and they would've sold a lot fewer records." -David Lee Roth
"My beef is people thinking Bon Jovi is good cuz they sold lots of records to housewives." -tango
"But being number one doesn’t really mean jack fuck all. We sold twice as many records as other records that year (1984) that landed in the Number One position." ~Eddie Van Halen
06.17.15, 08:37 AM #6
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of course this (for him) is just publicity. I can't believe the party continues to give him a platform for this nonsense. It makes the party look like a joke. You need serious candidates to take an honest look at serious issues, not clowns like him trying to get more publicity. A fiscal conservative can win, one has one here 3 times in a row and we're a far more left leaning country. But he needs to be a serious candidate who will tackle fiscal issues and not get wrapped up in social issues that are platform killers.
06.17.15, 09:23 AM #7
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I don't think the Republican party at this point has much choice on giving him a platform. If he says he is running as a Republican there isn't much the party can do about it. I'm surprised he didn't run as a 3rd party. He donates just about the same amount of money to the Dems as he does the Republicans. Hell he donated $100,000.00 to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation.
I used to jog but the ice cubes kept falling out of my glass.
06.17.15, 11:04 AM #8
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he won't take that pay cut for the future of 'Merica. He'd have to put all his businesses in a blind trust and step away for 4 years. No way that is going to happen...no....way He'll never get to a debate. He'll drop out early.
lotta hot air.
06.17.15, 11:13 AM #9
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11.28.23 @ 09:45 AM - Likes (Given)
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I like what he says, I love that he's not a career politician or a lawyer too.
But the question remains, is he actually in it to win it.
As I have heard discussed, Carly Fiorina would be a good running mate for him if it got that far, that is why running as an independent might be best for him if he is indeed committed 110% to this.'Old Van Halen, when I was in it-classic Van Halen-makes you wanna drink, dance and screw, right? And the new Van Halen encourages you to drink milk, drive a Nissan and have a relationship.' - David Lee Roth.
06.17.15, 12:49 PM #10
06.17.15, 12:59 PM #11
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If he makes it to a debate, I'm putting my money on Rand Paul to be the first to tell him, in a rebuttal, that he's "fired."
06.17.15, 01:34 PM #12
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The guy will bring up some good points but to be frank, so do people at the VHLinks. He is only in this for publicity.
He will drop out due to fading numbers. He will say something really off the cuff and stupid and that will be that.
06.17.15, 02:18 PM #13
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Complete waste of his time and ours.
He's in it for the publicity as always.
He'll back down, as soon as his personal life and dealings are brought to light. Presidential runs get nasty...he doesn't have the stomach for that level of scrutiny.
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06.17.15, 02:21 PM

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I'm surprised hes only worth 8 billion?? It's been rough for him since 07 lol. If he wins he can declare the USA bankrupt like he does with his businesses. Oh wait we print the money and pay the bond interest. He's out after first few primaries then starts a new TV show imo.
10-6-2020 RIP King of sixstrings.
06.17.15, 05:24 PM

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The "Party" isn't giving him a platform, they don't really have have a choice who throws their hat in the ring as a registered Republican or whatever. They can and certainly will isolate him by not including him in any debates and I'd be shocked if you you see any other major candidate directly address anything he rants about not just for fear of being drawn into Trumps' media-hungry bullying tactics but to give him any sort of pseudo-mainstream legitimacy. Probably the most amusing aspect of his announcing his candidacy of his tv show will get canned because the network doesn't want to be seen as endorsing him or at least giving him unfair air time over any of the other multitude of clowns running for office.
IMO, 2016 is a new low for viable candidates for POTUS.
(edit) I somehow missed Sickman's post where I say almost the exact same thing he does. Derp.
Last edited by T.B.; 06.17.15 at 05:27 PM.
Ever heard of Neurolink? ;) I think shock collars would be more effective though.