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1. 2002 Dave appearance on Chicago Radio!

wow, now i havent seen the old dave and i haven't seen todays dave, and all i hear today's dave isn't the dave we know....

but i gotta ask y'all who the FUCK CARES!!!!

HOLY SHIT HE SOUNDS GREAT! This is the dave I want to hear, in a good mood, having fun, singing in his range. Ya he aint his old self but who the fuck is? Jagger ain't, Sammys holding on fine but Sammys Samy... I WANT THIS DAVE WITH ED AND THE BOYS.

God, feels great to see hear this jerk have some fun and sing in his own voice - THE WAY IT SHOULD ALWAYS BE - CHANGE OR DIE.

p.s. i know you all heard this already i'm sure... i'm always slow.

Watchy'all think?

[ June 28, 2002, 01:01 AM: Message edited by: lil'devil ]