Michael Anthony Interview in Charlotte Paper 8-7-02
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    01.07.25 @ 06:30 AM
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    VHLinks Proud!15,000 VHL Life PointsThee King
    I don't know if this is a repeat interview or not, but this was in the 8-7-02 Charlotte Observer. The last two questions and answers are very interesting.

    Van Halen bassist spills the beans on the Sammy and Dave show

    When we heard Sammy Hagar and David Lee Roth were touring together, we were tingling with excitement. Not only is it every Van Halen fan's dream short of a full-fledged reunion, it provides an opportunity to gather juicy tidbits from the road. It's no secret these guys haven't been the best of pals over the years.

    But getting an interview proved about as successful as finding the Gene Simmons demos from 1977. Diamond Dave wasn't talking, and the Red Rocker was on vacation.

    Then we heard Van Halen bassist Michael Anthony was going to be joining join Hagar for a few songs on selected dates. Anthony has played with both flamboyant frontmen, thereby making him a mother lode of information. We were just dying to know what it was like working with two alpha male divas.

    So when we got him on the phone, we asked him.

    Q: What's it like, working with two alpha male divas?

    A: (Laughs). I'm kinda sandwiched in the middle. We've built it up as this song-for-song, rock `n' roll heavyweights show. To me, it was more like "The Hell Freezes Over Tour No. 2." Geez, who would have ever thought in a million years that something like this would happen? But you know, I think once they got out there and started playing, the mutual respect for each other (came out. )

    Q: It's interesting that you're performing with Sammy and not Dave. Why?

    A: Well, Van Halen's been off the road for like, three years now. Earlier in the year, Sammy called me about doing a side project, and I asked him if he was going out on tour. He said he was this summer, and said, "Come out for a couple of shows if you want, we'll have some fun." And then he hooked up the tour with Roth, and you know, I actually didn't want to be part of that show. I just wanted to keep my special guest status. So I thought, "I'll still go out with Sam, and we'll do some Van Halen stuff in the middle of his set." And we're going to keep it at that.

    Q: What Van Halen songs are you playing?

    A: Obviously, it's all Sammy Hagar-era stuff. The few that we've done are "Runaround," "Finish What Ya Started," "Poundcake," "Right Now." I just talked to Sammy last night, and he told me they've changed the whole setup again. (Laughs.) I pretty much know `em all, so I've got no problem with that.

    Q: Have you had a chance to interact with Dave at all?

    A: Onstage, I haven't. But you never know what may happen. It changes nightly with those two guys. I've spent some time with David, I've talked to him a little bit.

    The one thing I would like to see as far as Van Halen goes is that, if the band is going to put a lid on the past and move ahead, it would be nice to go out in style. That obviously would be doing something with either of those two guys, individually or together. It would be nice to keep the door open for anything like that.

    Q: We've all heard Dave's and Eddie's versions of why a reunion didn't work out in the mid-`90s. What's your version?

    A: To put it in a nutshell, we all got thrown back together, and everybody wanted to go out and do a CD and tour. I think maybe it might have been just a little too much in the beginning rather than easing into it and making sure we all got along. There was lot of miscommunication, and lawyers got involved. That was one of the big things that hampered everything, because once you get those guys going at it, you're kinda like the innocent guys in the middle.

    Q: Have there been any spats between Sam and Dave on the tour?

    A: Uh, not that I'm aware of. I try to keep out of the real deep stuff. I know one thing they're doing is, they're flopping night to night who opens and who closes. That was one of the things they did to try to please everybody. Other than that, I'm sure they probably have their disagreements. I mean, that's just natural for being on tour. But I haven't witnessed any knock-down, drag-out fights yet.

    Q: How would you deal with it if you did?

    A: Well, being the guy that I am, maybe I would just have to jump in and referee. Or maybe I'd just jump in, knock them both out, and take over the whole thing! (Laughs).

    Q: Technically, since the show could be called "Sam and Dave," are they playing "Soul Man?"

    A: Pardon me?

    Q: Never mind. Who gets more groupies backstage?

    A: I really haven't witnessed much of Dave's backstage. It seems pretty quiet around his area, though, whereas, with Sammy, there's always stuff going on. Now see, I can't say anything that's gonna incriminate anybody, so I'm just gonna leave it at that, and you can set your own assumption. But I wouldn't be out there doing it if I wasn't going to be having a good time! (Laughs.)

    Q: Who's prettier, Sam or Dave?

    A: Oh, God. (Pause.) You know, I gotta give that to Hagar. For a guy who's going to be 55 years old this October, that guy is in great shape, and is playing and singing better than he ever has. He just continues to blow me away.

    Q: What about Roth? You don't think he's fit?

    A: Well, I don't know. (Uneasy laugh.) I don't want to say anything here, because one of those guys is liable to pick up the paper and read it! And that would cut my time on the road short, and I'd have to come home! (Laughs.) So we'll just leave it at that, that Sammy is the prettiest guy. (Pause.) Not that I have any kind of attraction. Uh ... it's a purely platonic relationship.

    Q: What happens after this tour? Are you going to pursue that side project with Sammy?

    A: Yeah. We're tentatively calling it Planet Us with Neil Schon from Journey and his drummer, Deen Castronovo. We got together and wrote a handful of songs in the spring, and it sounded great ... so, if everybody's free in the fall, we're probably going to get back together and just see if this thing goes anywhere. And on the flip side of the coin, maybe we'll be working something with Van Halen, getting that all back together.

    Q: Are you talking an album, a tour, or what?

    A: For Van Halen? Man, if Van Halen got back together, it would be the whole ball of wax. It would all be fine with me, it would all be good.

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    12.31.69 @ 05:00 PM
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    yes saw that before, but hopefully van halen will do something in the fall.
    van halen shall return. what you think is nothing might be something after all.

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    Thanx for posting this interview. Great read.

    The Real Deal
    <a href="http://www.the-real-deal.com/index.htm" target="_blank">The Real Deal</a> does old VH better than any other band in the SF Bay Area. Hearing is believing...

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    15,000 VHL Life PointsKnight Of Da Roundtable
    Originally posted by Chet Dakota:

    But getting an interview proved about as successful as finding the Gene Simmons demos from 1977.
    Perhaps getting the interview is a little more difficult these days!!!
    Q: Recording the album took so long your Australian tour last year was cancelled. What was it like in the studio? There's a history of tension between you and Eddie Van Halen...

    DLR: It was like a stand off in a Chuck Norris movie. We each had the laser dot on everybody's forehead waiting for the other guy to blink. Except for Wolfie, he had a Super Soaker ...

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    I'm surprise Mike didn't catch the Soul Man reference. Oh well, I guess he's not a fan of the classics.
    "There's a Japanese term called wabi-sabi, not wasabi, but wabi-sabi. It means an appreciation for the imperfect, the less than precision. The cowboy boots that you never polish because it's bad luck. That is completely wabi-sabi. Van Halen is that." - DLR 2002<br /><br />"Look! I can see their parachutes! They're ok..." - Tenshinhan, DragonBall Z

  6. #6
    kevohman's Avatar
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    Q: Who's prettier, Sam or Dave?

    A: Oh, God. (Pause.) You know, I gotta give that to Hagar. For a guy who's going to be 55 years old this October, that guy is in great shape, and is playing and singing better than he ever has. He just continues to blow me away.
    Kind of obvious who Mikey thinks is doing better at this point.....AHEM
    Sams the Man!!

  7. #7
    Big Bad Bill
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    Michael Anthony probably doesnt want to say anything about Dave's looks because he's afraid Dave might say something about the hair transplant Mike had in the late 70's.



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