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Thread: why bother speculating anymore?
12.13.02, 12:11 AM #1
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12.31.69 @ 05:00 PM - Likes (Given)
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This isnt a personal slam against anyone but..
I'm just wondering why some of you even bother guessing or even believing anything about this "band". It's over, period! Van Halen has left the building and they have done it along time ago. Do you think they even give a peanutty shit about anything any of us have got to say? At the end of the day they go on with whatever it is they are NOT doing (or possibly, but I doubt it) are doing. The Van HAlen bros. Dave, Mike and Sammy have fucked us over time and time again. ALL OF THEM are full of smelly ass shit. To read about them and their lame ass tactics at eachother would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic! Yet, some keep hoping. Seems like some of you are a glutton for punishment. Let's be realistic about the situation for once. Most everyone has abandoned any idea of a reunion, (unless of coarse your wearing a hockey helmut, even when you arent playing hockey) and would you REALLY even want to see one now? The guys are dinosaures! All of em! Aww man, what a drag to come here and see you carry on and on and on. You'd think it was 1986 again. When I come here from a (long) time to time (as an observer), I feel like I'm in a giant empty stadium, with the last ballon landing on the ground, watching the last group of stragglers who passed out during the show wander around aimlessly. What a cold feeling. Hey I admire most of you for your tanacity and I don't mean anything personal to any of you but I sure as hell feel sorry for yah sometime, still wishing away.....for what? Fuck Van Halen and the whole lot of em for the lies and bullshit!!!! Say it with me, it feels great. FUUUUUUCCCKKKKK YYYYOUuu!!! Aaahhhh. Let the worms fight with each other for the scraps that are left. Let them sue eachother into oblivion. There is a whole new world of fresh musical ideas out there if you bother to check it out and give it a chance. You know, if all of us just showed these guys what we really felt 4 or 10 or 15 years ago maybe things would be different, but for now I have more hope in witnessing the second coming of Christ before I hear anything relavant form Van Halen. R.I.P.
This will be my first and last post. Thanks for letting me. Good luck and much care to everyone.
[ December 12, 2002, 11:24 PM: Message edited by: dj_firm ]
12.13.02, 12:59 AM #2
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You have come here for a loooooong time.
You read allllllll the stuff we do.
You are obviously as up on current events as we are.
You feel the same frustrations we do.
You feel sorry for us, but you are JUST LIKE US, only you have just now decided to finally post where some of us post all the time. Thats the only difference. And you think you can justify being able to post from a position of observation and looking down upon us poooooor lost souls when you do the same things they do? MmmmmK. [img]smile.gif[/img] Youre an odd duck daffy!
Some people have just found entertainment out of this place by now man, and it doesn't really have all that much to do with the band anymore. There are some cool folks here and we enjoy each others online company too. There are zillion different things to talk about other than van halen. I'd be willing to bet that most people have written them off at one time or another too. I don't think, with all of your time that you have spent here peeking around, that you have ever really gotten what the site is about really. Honestly, you should post more and learn the side of discussion and debate rather than observation and pity. It's a helluva lot more engaging and holds a better bang for your internet clicking buck. It's also being a little more honest with yourself and admitting that you like to waste time around here as much as we do. lol.
That shit about the last balloon in an empty stadium was fuckin poetry buckweat!sheepa latta peepah dabba looka foh a moopy
Gunter glieben glauchen globen
12.13.02, 01:19 PM #3
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12.31.69 @ 05:00 PM - Likes (Given)
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You're right. For some reason it's like buying a lottery ticket with that one in a zillion chance of winning something. I honestly don't know why I have wanted VH to rejoin desperately since 1986. 1984 was the first VH record that I bought, being 14 at the time, and it blew me away. I soon bought the other records, yes not cd's, of the other classics and then when 5150 came out, it was like, what the fuck happened? Don't get me wrong, I liked Get up and a couple other songs on 5150, but for some reason I got hooked at an early age. I might have to join VH anonymous in order to control my dream of having VH rejoin. It's pretty sad I admit. I grew up liking Roth with EEAS, etc., but it wasn't the same. Unfortunately, we have been teased every few years which has made the agony that much worse. But you are right. It is a fucking waste of time, but I guess it is a good way to vent.
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