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Dave: no, there is no reunion planned at all with Van Halen. And there ain't any further tracks existing, besides those few songs, we've recorded a few years again at the studio, - real good songs by the way. But even then, we didn't see each other very often. I mean, we don't get on with each other very well, that's all. We had a divorce in the past, like between an old couple, who had difficulties. All divorces are ugly. And you are only as big as the little things which anoy you. When I remember back, I'm definately proud of what we did together, and I don't regret anything. But the future is open, and I say never - never again. I am aware, that this subject is still beeing discussed in the business and that there are rumours. If one day we are getting that far, I'm definately the last one to say no and the first one being here. And you are getting to know it first. But for right now there is nothing planned.