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Thread: The EEAS Band
01.08.07, 06:57 AM #1
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The EEAS Band
Threre are a couple of clips over on the video board of Vai and Sheehan playing together in recent times.
I wanted to know what you guys thought of the EEAS band and the eventual "break up" of it during Dave's solo career.
I've got somethings to say but I want to have all my thoughts in order before I post them so I'm gonna wait a little while.
01.09.07, 06:15 PM #2
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Hey look, a thread the idiot didn't post in yet.......(i know, it's still early)
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01.10.07, 02:38 PM #3
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12.09.24 @ 04:24 PM - Likes (Given)
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Well Dave said in his book that Vai was headed in a different direction musically, and Sheehan followed out as well. I think they were extremely good, but Skyscraper had some lame lyrics, and Dave drifted further and further away from rock n' roll until DLR Band. The EEAS group was a supergroup, and I think that maybe a 3rd album from them could've rivaled their first. The band had a lot of potential, and had Dave kept Sheehan and Vai in the fold he likely would've been more successful in the early 90's. Bissonette is a good drummer too, but obviously he's not considered in the same class as his former bandmates Vai and Sheehan. All that being said, Vai and Sheehan haven't played with a better voice since.
01.17.07, 04:53 PM #4
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10.08.20 @ 02:06 PM - Likes (Given)
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I think that band is hugely over-rated!
I think everyone (I used to feel this way) has this minds eye recollection of the Yankee Rose video; Dave doing that awesome jump at the beginning, the monster staging, and Dave still seems in the 1978-1986 "cool as fuck" stage.
And from that the thought is that the EEAS band was amazing and Dave died when they died.
Which is utter garbage! EEAS is a good to great album, but there's really only three great original songs here. That's Goin' Crazy, Big Trouble and Ladies Night in Buffalo, which is easily one of Dave's true gems. Yankee Rose is okay, but it's really only deemed great by that minds eye thing again.
Elephant Gun and Bump and Grind are both entirely forgettable. Personally I like the more standard rock covers (Shyboy and Tobacco Road) but I'm Easy and especially That's Life are much cooler and more interesting.
The album is very well produced, sounds like a great band with nowhere to go but to get even better.
Then Skyscraper limps in and shatters that hope.
This album sounds awful from a production standpoint, and offers very little in the way of quality songs.
Just Like Paradise is overproduced and doesn't even sound like a band playing together. Of course, it's also an amazing song that just works anyway. But not much else on the record can boast this.
Knucklebones and The Bottom Line both just seem thrown together, with Dave often sounding like he's trying to fit fifty words into each breath.
Skyscraper is interesting, though again it sounds more like a sonic experiment than a band.
Damn Good is okay, though I hate the backwards guitar or whatever that is on the chorus.
Hot Dog and a Shake might have been okay if Vai's guitar tone wasn't so awful.
Stand Up sucks, pure and simple.
Hina I love, just an awesome song, another gem that is lost forever.
Perfect timing I can barely remember, though I like Two Fools a Minute for some perverse reason.
You've got a singer that won't let the band be a band, who thinks he can produce, and that leads to a bass player that doesn't even make it to the second tour, and a guitar player who doesn't want to be there anymore.
Ever hear any of the bootlegs from this band playing live? Keyboards playing along to some of the most amazing guitar riffs EVH ever put to tape!A great band doesn't need somebody adding keyboard riffs to Un-fucking-Chained!
There is NO Dave solo album that I wouldn't prefer to listen to over Skyscraper, and I don't think EEAS is his peak either.
Why does everyone think Dave left rock and roll behind after 1988? A Little Ain't Enough isn't rock and roll? It's more rock and roll than the shitty patch work quilt called Skyscraper could ever hope to be.
Even with the confusing mix of genres Dave was bending on Your Filthy Little Mouth, there's songs that are as rock and roll as I'm Easy, That's Life, Skyscraper or Damn Good. And sonically they won't make your ears bleed like Vai does on Skyscraper.
At least with ALAE and YFLM you get the sense that there are human beings interacting to produce what you're listening to, which the EEAS band could only pull off on one out of two tries. .500 might get you in some halls of fame, but not this one!Last edited by Glenn; 01.17.07 at 04:56 PM.
01.21.07, 11:40 AM #5
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Great post, and you really hit the nail on the head. I really liked Skyscraper, and I still listen to it on occasion, but it really doesn't hold up too well. I always felt Dave needed a strong personality, whether or not it was a producer or songwriter, to rein him in, keep him focused because of his eclectic tastes. Great take on the EEAS band.
01.21.07, 04:33 PM #6
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06.09.24 @ 01:12 AM - Likes (Given)
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I think this line up could really create some great music, but they'll need a strong, classic producer and must leave the horrible keyboards of Brett Tuggle at home. As much as I do enjoy Skyscraper, Glenn more than summed up my thoughts.
01.24.07, 11:46 AM #7
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Glenn, that might have been the best summation of Dave's post VH career I have read. Well done.
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01.24.07, 01:26 PM #8
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02.24.19 @ 12:33 AM - Likes (Given)
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I'm gonna get so beat up for this... I actually liked Skyscraper better than EEAS. *waits for kick to the nuts*
I got EEAS when it came out, and my thoughts upon sticking it in the tape deck were "There's a few really fuckin' screaming songs on here. That's the Dave I know." Then my thoughts after finishing the tape a second time were "The choruses on most of this album aren't nearly as catchy as VH, and the band seems to have this weird 'funk' vibe on half the songs." It's an album I loved, but really only half of it. What Glenn said about the album having a few songs that just out-and-out didn't work - I agree. The singles were great, the covers were great, and a couple other ditties.
Then in 7th grade I heard those first 3 piano chords of "Just Like Paradise" and the hair on my neck bristled. This sounded like Dave on vacation... That fun in the sun sound from "Secrets" or "Women In Love" - but had a more ethereal quality to it. Vai's guitar sounded like something out of a Floyd song. I grabbed Skyscraper the day it came out and i STILL have half those songs stuck in my head to this day. Production and band dynamics were the furthest thing from my mind as a 7th grade Rothtard... This album was fucking CATCHY. I swear that I haven't had a month go by without some part of "Stand Up" going through my head since that day. I thought the lyrics in Two Fools were classic Dave.
Listening to the album today it sounds very 80s, but those songs are still fuckin' catchy.
I like in Dave's book when he says Vai was going in a different musical direction. Did he really mean Whitesnake by that? muahaha.Put down the Cheetos, log off Mr. Skin, stop arguing like a bunch of old ladies, and GO OUTSIDE!
01.25.07, 11:36 PM #9
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The EEAS lineup was an amazing band. I love almost everything they recorded. They really were the best band Dave could have gotten outside of Van Halen. I wish they recorded more music. Yankee Rose is the coolest song I have heard in my life!!!! I love it!!!!!!!!
Right Now you're reading my post!
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01.26.07, 03:48 AM #10
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I also liked Skyscraper for the most part. Mind you, I didn't really recognize that most fans didn't care for it until I started poking around VHLinks. Otherwise, I have my memories of buying Skyscraper when it first came out and really liking the songs. There's too many DLR vocal overdubs, but... "Knucklebones"? Awesome song! "Hina"? Awesome song! "Two Fools A Minute"? Fun, awesome song! The guitar solo on "Hot Dog And A Shake"? Kick-ass Vai!! "Just Like Paradise" and "Stand Up"? Very cool pop singles. And "Damn Good" is a great, great fucking song.
The sounds of the A Lil' Ain't Enough album would have better suited those first two DLR solo efforts (heavier, more rocking), but it was at that stage that Dave was starting to mimic himself.
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