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12.26.06, 10:17 PM #1
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09.16.07 @ 09:13 PM - Likes (Given)
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Why doesn't Eddie feel he owes it to the fans!!
I believe Eddie Van Halen in recent years, has really centered himself on or about himself. The fans that put him in the position he is in, should mean more to him and his brother Alex, than they do. I asked two buddies(who are allman bros/Dead) kinda fans to go to the last tour. I wanted so badly for them to understand the greatness that I know Van halen (the entire band has) However, Eddie didn't show up. He was all over the place. Still incredible to me but not the same guy I had seen before. His lastest music has also reflected this. The two newest songs with Dave were viable, probalbly the best thing they've turned out in years, but we needed an entire album. The tension they share is why Dave and Eddie are so great together musically. I believe Eddie listens to alot of sychophants who probably say Yea! you don't need Micheal Anthony Sammy or Dave. The only guy who stood by you and never said a word about you disasterous drinking and failing health was Micheal Anthony. He is the rock that VH is built on. His backing vocals are enough to put him in the hall of fame by himself. Why wouldn't anybody worth their salt, say to Ed, your'e kids great!! but you're going to screw him up at only 15 years old, even if he is great no one will recognize it Ex.Julian Lennon he even had the voice and where is he now. My point, Eds gotta put the band back together, go back to splitting it four ways (cut Mike back it you cheap fuck) and hit the road. The fans are why you have the big house, car, woman, and toys, the talent is only part and parcel to what makes someone great, true greatnes comes from appeciation of admirers. Take a note from KISS, no matter what question they are asked, they always bring it back to the fans. I am willing to pay for that because they understand it.
12.26.06, 10:23 PM #2
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Kiss sucks.
But kudos on your first post ever since you registered 4 years ago.
12.26.06, 10:28 PM #3
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08.02.10 @ 09:01 PM - Likes (Given)
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4 1/2 years of reading then posting.... Next time, say what you really mean! Venting is good, eh?!
OIF II SEPT 17, 2004 -APR 30, 2005
12.26.06, 10:44 PM #4
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the reason he feels he doesn't owe the fans anything is because he really doesn't, atleast he doesn't owe us the responsibility of putting his old band together just because we think it's a good idea. All he owes us is an effort if he's selling us something. If he goes on tour and we buy a ticket we should get his best possible performance, if he releases something new he owes us an effort on that recording.
Does he owe us getting back with Dave and Mike? Nope, atleast no more than Mathew Broderick owes me a sequel to Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Love to see it, but he don't owe me shit.
12.26.06, 10:49 PM #5
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Last edited by abcrazy1; 12.26.06 at 10:52 PM.
OIF II SEPT 17, 2004 -APR 30, 2005
12.26.06, 11:01 PM #6
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07.18.24 @ 06:54 PM - Likes (Given)
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you're exactly right about what ed does or does not owe us.
but, a little goodwill from ed or the band would go a LONG way towards placating his fans to some degree, and probably drive those fans to help him out in whatever venture he is selling currently.
it's really just good business sense to at least appear to accomadate your fans, and appear to appreciate their part in your success.SOME VH LINKS CLASSICS
"Sammy is fat, Dave is bald, Mike is next in line to be the Pope, Eddie is a drunk, Wolfie is fat, Gary is gay, CVH is VH, Mike is VH, Sammy can outsing Dave on a tequilla hangover, Eddie is a meth head, How Many Say I is the worst VH song ever, Up for Breakfast is a close second, Dave was horrible at radio and everybody hates the assless chaps.
Ok I think that covers everything." Ziggysmalls
"I sense that some of our newer passengers may be nervous due to the sudden turbulence. Please be seated, this is simply a normal part of the periodic ride.
I didn't say we'll get to the destination, but until Alex comes out a says what a complete waste of carbon DLR is, we're still climbing, so strap yourselves in.
Those of you who have been on this ride before, the hottie in the mini will be around shortly with your drinks......." Red
12.26.06, 11:03 PM #7
12.26.06, 11:07 PM #8
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05.07.15 @ 01:27 AM - Likes (Given)
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I agree with the first guy a lot, but I hear what your saying! I also agree with what you're saying, However, Edward NEVER understood just how much Van Halen ( the whole band ) touched peoples lives. Ed also can't figure that there is (Van Halen / his last name ) , AND ( Van Halen / THE BAND! ) Edward think's he's 100% both, when the reallity most of the diehard fans see is that they are two seperate things! Even though Ed writes all the music for ( Van Halen / The Band ), he is still only 25% of ( Van Halen / The band ) in most fans eyes. Edward himself as a person, from what I hear from many different sources in the industry, is a bitter old drunken junkie! Just what he's so bitter about no one will even speculate??? So...... Who the fuck knows! My opinion is still that VH (The Band, or The person) will not be a success again unless it's the original four members. If Ed continues to call the band "Van Halen", nothing short of the original four will due at this point. If he ever want's to bring back his career without the original four members, he should call the project something else, or just hang up his axe for good! This is all just my opinion of course, I'm sure some of you may disagree, which is perfectly fine! Bottom line is EVH will have his way, even if it kills him as an artist!
The Pumpkinhead!
"After three decades you still don't get the fact that VH the band was greater than the sum of all of its parts -- and those parts fit perfectly together, especially in the CVH lineup." - Delighted Romeo, Hit the nail right on the God Damn Head!!!
12.27.06, 12:13 AM #9
12.27.06, 02:53 AM #10
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“And what we have at our fingertips is arguably one of the greatest high tenor voices ever – that was in Michael Anthony. In our tiny little corner of the universe, that voice is as identifiable as the high voice in Earth, Wind & Fire, as identifiable as the high voice in the Beach Boys. Van Halen is an indelicate house blend of both – that’s intentionally. So I would always look forward to that reunion.” - David Lee Roth
David Lee Roth, Edward Van Halen, Michael Anthony, Alex Van Halen, Sammy Hagar.
Edward Van Halen: 1955-2020
12.27.06, 04:01 AM #11
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12.27.06, 04:58 AM #12
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Just to play devil's advocate...
Most of us know that working relationships with co-workers change, and we may or may not want to work with someone again. In life we basically ride a rollercoaster; it's got a lot of twists and turns, and we often can't predict where we'll be next. Moreover, we definitely development preferences as we get older, and we make decisions about our time and its value quicker than we once did--because we don't want to waste time!
It could very well be the case that Eddie just doesn't want to play with Mike and/or Sammy and/or Dave anymore. That's his perogative; he's going to make music with whomever he decides he wants to. A tour with folks you don't want to work with is indeed a lot to ask. And if it makes Ed unhappy/frustrated/bored/whatever, then yeah he probably feels like he does NOT owe that to the fans.
Now what we often (very often) debate on this forum is Eddie's state of mind, his overall health (mental and otherwise), and his real feelings about the fans. We, however, will only ever have the fan's perspective; Eddie's true feelings and thoughts are his and his alone. We are left to speculate, which is most DEFINITELY what we do here! I think we must remember there's a lot that goes on in the lives of those directly associated with VH that we cannot and will not know--we get merely a very outside glimpse.
I'm with everyone else... I want VH back. I want them with one of the two singers, Mike, making full-length albums and touring to support them. If it never happens, though, whatta ya gonna do?
12.27.06, 05:54 AM #13
12.27.06, 06:43 AM #14
12.27.06, 06:59 AM #15
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"The shit I read on this site." -- Dave's Dreidel (Nov 6th, 2013)
"Don't ever confuse talent with fame." -- Bob Lefsetz
"There's very little greatness in this world, but in the crucible of quality there's a special corner reserved for Van Halen." -- Bob Lefsetz
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