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Thread: Van halen predictions for 2003
01.01.03, 06:01 AM #1
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"Fair Warning" & "OU812" - Favorite VH Song
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09.21.15 @ 05:44 PM - Likes (Given)
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Originally posted by ALilAin'tEnough:
Here are my VH predictions for 2003.
-No new Van Halen album.
-no new interviews from Ed or Al.
-Mike will say stuff like "We're going to get back to rocking very soon now. Problems have come up, but we'll see ya real soon!"
-Sammy Hagar will continue to make more solo albums that no one will buy.
-Dave will put out a few stupid videos with monkeys and midgets on his webpage.
Expect that from Ed and/or Al.
Mike is Mike. At least he talks to us, even if it is the same ol' same ol'.
At least Sam puts out albums, okay?
Dave, well...'nuff said."Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."
"This is a lttle prayer dedicated to the separation of church and state. I guess if they are going to force those kids to pray in schools they might as well have a nice prayer like this: Our Father who art in heaven, and to the republic for which it stands, thy kingdom come, one nation indivisible as in heaven, give us this day as we forgive those who so proudly we hail. Crown thy good into temptation but deliver us from the twilight's last gleaming. Amen and Awomen. ."
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01.01.03, 07:44 AM #2
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FW, ADKoT, VH1, 1984, 5150 - Favorite VH Song
Unchained, Blood & Fire, ATBL - Last Online
01.06.13 @ 09:51 PM - Likes (Given)
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Originally posted by ALilAin'tEnough:
Here are my VH predictions for 2003.
-No new Van Halen album.
-no new interviews from Ed or Al.
-Mike will say stuff like "We're going to get back to rocking very soon now. Problems have come up, but we'll see ya real soon!"
-Sammy Hagar will continue to make more solo albums that no one will buy.
-Dave will put out a few stupid videos with monkeys and midgets on his webpage.
Are WE crazy for tolerating this bullshit. I mean how long can someone hang in there before they say "fuck it, I'm out"?"The music of Van Halen is vital."-David Lee Roth-1978
VH Shows....
10-22-1988 - Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA
10-15-1991 - Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA
10-16-1991 - Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA
04-28-1995 - Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA
05-24-1998 - Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA
09-09-2004 - Tampa Forum - Tampa, FL
02-14-2008 - Amway Arena - Orlando, FL
05-09-2008 - Boardwalk Hall - Atlantic City, NJ
04-12-2012 - Amway Center - Orlando, FL
01.01.03, 08:36 AM #3
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Balance - Favorite VH Song
Jump - Last Online
05.03.13 @ 06:38 AM - Likes (Given)
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MIke will leave out the part about the problems.....
Minnesota Vikings KICK ASS!!!! All other teams get their water.
01.01.03, 09:08 AM #4
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Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love - Last Online
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As I did in 2000, 2001 and 2002, I'm looking for something positive to come out of 2003 from VH. I guess I'm too stubborn to admit that they are done.
Check out the Polls section of this board for a thread on this very subject.Remember the Heroes - 9/11/01
In 2012, the phoenix has risen!!
"High speed, low drag."
"Look at all the people here tonight!!!" - 10/5/07, 5/20/08 Mohegan Sun
Congratulations to Van Halen as part of the Class of 2007 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!
Cinco de Cabo @ Foxwoods: "A giant party with live music" - S. Hagar
got tequila?
01.01.03, 10:36 AM #5
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all of them - Favorite VH Song
If its Eddie, its Van Halen - Last Online
11.28.23 @ 09:45 AM - Likes (Given)
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Van Halen will sign with Sony.
Release new album with a former lead singer.
Sammy will send the Waboritas packing.
Dave will still try to be Dave but no one will be buying his act.
Dave vs. VH lawsuit willl be settled out of court for $150 thousand.
TOJ will be a "breakout" band.
The official site will actually have news to post.
The DOME reopens.
Ed & Val will get back together. [img]graemlins/thumb.gif[/img]'Old Van Halen, when I was in it-classic Van Halen-makes you wanna drink, dance and screw, right? And the new Van Halen encourages you to drink milk, drive a Nissan and have a relationship.' - David Lee Roth.
01.01.03, 10:44 AM #6
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Fair Warning - Last Online
01.15.14 @ 06:39 AM - Likes (Given)
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For 2003?
Nothing. Absolutely dick all.
They might officially "come back" sometime years and years from now for anyone that will care. They'll all be too burnt out to be effective anyway, assuming Ed doesn't just die of a cancer relapse sometime in the next five years. He seems to be doing everything to encourage that right now. [img]graemlins/cry.gif[/img]
They (Ed&Al, Dave maybe if the media attention is big, Sam) may do some seperate interviews if they get into the R&R Hall of Fame in 2004, but that would probably be it - expect the interviews and articles to be mostly rehashed information, stuff we've all known for years. The media's not interested enough to delve into their story beyond the most basic level. No one cares.
They'll throw Dave a bone to avoid having to go to court. I think that's what Dave is banking on. Roth will continue to try to make a record with his Van Halen tribute band and not come up with anything a label will release. You think Cherone's spitfire numbers are bad? Wait 'til you see the "selective audience" Dave starts to attract this year.
Sammy will also attract a thinning niche market and continue to be able to market his solo career and products. He may retire in the next few years and just concentrate on marketing. I can't see him doing bars.
Any new information we get will be incidental. This is calculated. The VH's may be tired of the limelight. It's over.
[ January 01, 2003, 10:37 AM: Message edited by: badkaraoke ]A headless body in a topless bar...
01.01.03, 01:03 PM #7
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Van Halen & F.U.C.K. - Favorite VH Song
Secrets & Take Me Back (Deja Vu) - Last Online
12.31.69 @ 05:00 PM - Likes (Given)
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Here are my VH predictions for 2003.
-No new Van Halen album.
-no new interviews from Ed or Al.
-Mike will say stuff like "We're going to get back to rocking very soon now. Problems have come up, but we'll see ya real soon!"
-Sammy Hagar will continue to make more solo albums that no one will buy.
-Dave will put out a few stupid videos with monkeys and midgets on his webpage.
01.01.03, 09:09 PM #8
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Van Halen - Favorite VH Song
Dreams - Last Online
12.31.69 @ 05:00 PM - Likes (Given)
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Same Shit Different Day.
nothing at all.....Life through someone elses eyes.<br /><a href="http://www.thehandthatsewstime.com" target="_blank">TheHandThatSewsTime.com</a>
01.01.03, 09:53 PM #9
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Fair Warning - Favorite VH Song
Unchained - Last Online
09.26.08 @ 10:48 PM - Likes (Given)
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Only time will tell,but until then I'm
going to continue living my life,just as
they will continue to live theirs.I will
support the band in whatever they choose
to do.I have been a fan of the bands for
over 22yrs and I'm not going to stop being
a fan now.I will wait until they are good and
ready to put out a CD,but I can tell you this
be it 2003 or 2023 I will make sure that when
that right time comes for the band to put out
a CD,you can bet your butt that I will be in
the front row ready to cheer them on.
My prediction for the band in 2003.Will be
hearing from them soon.
01.02.03, 12:57 AM #10
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Fair Warning, and 5150 - Favorite VH Song
Outta love again, Humans Being - Last Online
12.14.12 @ 09:13 PM - Likes (Given)
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-Van Halen will fall further into obscurity in the eyes of the general public.
-VH-1 will continue to give lame ass bands like Def Leppard credit when it ain't due.
-Roth will only pop into the news when his lawsuit is settled
-Sam will continue to be sam...and rock his ass off for his small but loyal fans.
-Members of VHforums will continue to bitch about how fat sam is and how bald dave is.
-Some members, like this one, will continue to rotate their favorite VH cd's from the first to Balance, and pray for a miracle. [img]graemlins/sssh.gif[/img]If you shake my hand better count your fingers - Mustaine
01.02.03, 05:59 AM #11
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Fair Warning or VH3... it varies. - Favorite VH Song
too many to count... I\'m diggin\' Can\'t Get This Stuff No More right now. - Last Online
12.31.69 @ 05:00 PM - Likes (Given)
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"No News is Good News".
"The common thing on governments as an institution is: they're all bad worldwide. It might be the only thing that binds all nations together: the incompetence of their governments. Look at the people who have been president in the US so far... could I DO ANY WORSE?"<br /> <br />~ Frank Zappa
01.02.03, 09:54 AM #12
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Fair Warning - Favorite VH Song
DOA - Last Online
12.31.69 @ 05:00 PM - Likes (Given)
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I think something will "be announced"...whether that is good or bad I don't know, but I think an "announcement" will come this year, probably before the summer....there will be dead silence up to that point...Mike has made too many statements and I think he is wise enough to shut up from this point forward...also this is a new calendar year, and Mike will look like an idiot if he continues to speculate in the press during ANOTHER calendar year...
In my opinion, the band is NOT dead as so many people think...the difference between Van Halen and so many other bands that lose themselves in a "drift off into obscurity" is that EVH is a musical genius with so much to offer...music just flows out of this guy's fingers...sure you can argue that the quality is wavering but in relative terms to other musicians his creations are still top notch...and I think he can continue to be a great songwriter as long as he wants....that is a highly unusual ability in 2003 when so many other musicians struggle to put 2 or 3 good compositions on an Album...
Everybody just has to chill out..."Van Halen", or at least "EVH and AVH" will release more music...give the guys a break...they gave us 10 albums since 1978, and I don't know how many large tours...they have PAID THEIR DUES...if anybody deserves, or needs some type of break before they continue (possibly for another 10 years) it is Van Halen...these guys make almost every other rock bands accomplishments look lame in comparison...
In the meantimes we have approx. 110 Van Halen songs to load up on shuffle play and rock out to...where I come from, I count that as a massive blessing....we have all grown up with the most kick-ass rock band that the world may ever see, and for that I say raise your glass and toast the boys from Pasadenas career!!!
01.02.03, 10:18 AM #13
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Fair Warning - Favorite VH Song
Mean Street - Last Online
12.15.20 @ 07:21 AM - Likes (Given)
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Originally posted by valdez44:
-Van Halen will fall further into obscurity in the eyes of the general public.
-VH-1 will continue to give lame ass bands like Def Leppard credit when it ain't due.
-Roth will only pop into the news when his lawsuit is settled
-Sam will continue to be sam...and rock his ass off for his small but loyal fans.
-Members of VHforums will continue to bitch about how fat sam is and how bald dave is.
-Some members, like this one, will continue to rotate their favorite VH cd's from the first to Balance, and pray for a miracle. [img]graemlins/sssh.gif[/img]
01.02.03, 11:50 AM #14
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All (Yes, even "VH 3"). - Favorite VH Song
All (except "How Many Say I") - Last Online
01.18.18 @ 04:09 PM - Likes (Given)
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1- David Lee Roth will not be the next singer.
2- Jack Russell will not be the next singer.
3- Planet Us will have an initial early interest and within a month become a memory.
4- Sammy Hagar may become (I hope) the once and future singer of Van Halen.
5- Ray Daniels will contract lepracy and his pecker will fall off."Question is, not does love exist, but when she leaves, where she goes. I got a feeling she don't know either. Wait like the wind, watch where she blows..."
01.02.03, 12:06 PM #15
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1984 - Favorite VH Song
Panama - Last Online
01.29.25 @ 08:06 PM - Likes (Given)
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"Knowing is not enough, we must apply,willing is not enough, we must do" -Goethe
Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open.--Sir James Dewar, Scientist (1877-1925)
Always drink upstream from the herd...
--Will Rogers
It is amazing how much some people can do with so little, however, what is even more amazing to me is how little some people can do with so much.
--Somewhat me, mostly someone else, not sure who
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