half of the 50 women are believed to be alive
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    Default half of the 50 women are believed to be alive


    Killer's photos included slain woman, police say
    As tips flood in, half of the 50 women are believed to be alive

    LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- A flood of telephone calls and e-mails have provided sheriff's investigators with numerous tips on the identities of 50 women photographed decades ago by a double murderer who implied to a jury he had killed others.

    Investigators told The Los Angeles Times that the first round of leads helped tentatively confirm that 24 of the women are still alive. Police also identified one woman as a murder victim.

    Now the challenge is finding out what happened to the rest. (Do you know any of these women?)

    Detectives are trying to find out more about the women after releasing the photos this week. They are concerned that some of them could have been victims of rape or murder between 1975 and 1984.

    "I can't say it's for sure, but we're working toward making some identifications," sheriff's Sgt. Robert Taylor said.

    The photographs belonged to William Richard Bradford, who is now on death row for killing two aspiring models in the early 1980s. Authorities say Bradford, now 60, posed as a freelance photographer and shot photos of women he met at bars and elsewhere. (Read the killer's death row interview)

    About 50 of his photos of women, many scantily clad and striking poses like amateur models, languished in an evidence room from 1984, when they were seized from Bradford's home, until detectives rediscovered them last month.

    The Los Angeles County sheriff's Web site had 25,000 hits alone since Tuesday. An e-mail from an unidentified sender listed 12 names.

    "It's old news," said Bradford's appellate attorney, Darlene Ricker. "The existence of these photos has been known for 20 years. All of a sudden, for whatever reason, law enforcement has decided to look into them."

    One woman in the photos has been identified as Donnalee Campbell Duhamel, a 31-year-old mother of two whose decapitated body was found in a Malibu canyon in 1978. A sheriff's official said Tuesday that the body was found a few days after the woman met Bradford at a bar. Bradford was never charged in that case.

    On Wednesday, her daughter questioned why it took so long but was relieved that authorities were investigating.

    "My mom just disappeared, and now she's getting the attention I feel she deserves," said Lisa Mora, 36, who was only 7 when her mother vanished. The family got confirmation of the death eight years later, she said.

    Bradford was convicted in 1987 of first-degree murder in the stranglings of Shari Miller, 21, who he met in a bar, and Tracey Campbell, 15, a neighbor. Prosecutors said he lured them into accompanying him with promises of helping their modeling careers.

    Ricker said she hadn't spoken with Bradford, imprisoned at San Quentin State Prison, since sheriff's officials went public with his photos, but she guessed what his response might be.

    "I'm sure Bill would say, if he could: 'The man was a photographer. Gee, what a surprise they find photographs in his belongings."'
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    COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. Jul 27, 2006 (AP)

    A Colorado man serving a life sentence on a murder conviction has claimed responsibility for up to 48 slayings throughout the United States, authorities said Thursday.

    Robert Charles Browne, 53, told authorities the slayings occurred from 1970 until his arrest in 1995, in the death of 13-year-old girl in Colorado, the El Paso County Sheriff's Department said in a news release.

    The investigation was first reported on the Web site of The Gazette of Colorado Springs. The newspaper said authorities have linked Browne to 19 of the slayings, in Arkansas, California, Colorado, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Washington and South Korea.

    A sheriff's department spokesman said he had no immediate comment. The department scheduled a news conference for later Thursday.
    Last edited by TheresOnlyOneWay; 07.27.06 at 01:11 PM.
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    One of the women was interviewed on the local news here last night.

    Her name? Tina Teets.

    And yes......the name fit her like a glove.



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