Yes!! That was my comment that made it to MTV!!!!
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    09.04.12 @ 12:37 PM
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    If you look on the viewer comments page at MTV, that was MY comment bitching them out about dissing VH!! Can't believe it made it. My name is Jim. Shit, I feel like hi-fiving everybody here!!!!!!!! WOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Here is the link:
    I want a girl who knows what she's doing, because after this bottle's empty, I won't!!! - Michael Anthony

    [This message has been edited by Nature Boy (edited September 09, 2000 at 09:35 AM).]

  2. #2
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    25,000 VHL Life PointsThee King
    *BIG high five*

    DUDE! Way to go, Jim! I KNEW that one of us would be heard. I sent one in too, but I think they trashed mine.

    In case they put up new ones every day or something, Nature Boy, I'm gonna copy and paste what you said:

    What did you guys expect to gain from doing the "Those That Have Left Us" segment? First of all, it wasn't even remotely funny, and second of all, half the guys you mentioned made MTV successful.

    Ten years ago, Hammer was dancing all over MTV, now you make fun of him? Van Halen is
    still making records. They are one of the pioneers of rock and pioneers of MTV videos back in the early '80s through the '90s. Oh yeah, gotta bash them too.

    It would have made a little sense if it were even funny. My friends were all watching it and we were wondering why the hell you did that segment. We liked almost all of the guys you mentioned, and we aren't old either. We're are all around 20. You should show a little respect for those artists who put your
    little station on the map. It sure as hell wasn't Eminem or Limp Bizkit.


    Dirty Faced Kids...the hope of the future!
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  3. #3
    The Full Bug
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    To all interested, this is house not redfire. He was just the last one to post on my computer, and I forgot to change the user name.

    Naytch! You da man! In case mine doesn't make it on, here's mine!

    Well since I think that MTV is crap these days anyway, I hadn't planned to watch. However, when my 15 month old got sick in the middle of the night and the replay was the only thing on besides infomercials, I took a chance. Now coming from a child of the 80s, one who grew up on real MTV not this pathetic excuse for Music Television, I was sorely disappointed. The show was not anywhere near as cool as when you had Arsenio hosting it. The so called music is crap. You cater to pre- teens who have no idea what music is about. Mark my words, NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, Christina Aguilerra, Britney Spears, Limp Biskit, and Eminem and the other lame ass excuses for artist will go the same way of the other MTV darling hipsters. Remember New Kids On The Block? Marky Mark And The Funky Bunch, Hammer, Vanilla Ice, and all those other weak ass groups from the 80s you hyped that sucked then. These are the new New Kids On The Block, and they suck equally as bad.

    Now you peeps pissed me off beyond belief with your weak ass segment Those That Have Left Us. How the hell do you lump the world's greatest guitarist ever in with no talent hacks as Hammer and Vanila Ice? Bullshit! You're just pissed at them because you hyped the hell outta the debacle that was 1996, and Ed told you guys there was nothing becoming of things with Dave then, but you wouldn't buy it. You had to keep pushing that Dave was back, when he wasn't. He is back now, and you are fixing to hear the vengence of Eddie Van Halen's guitar! Van Halen killed disco in 1978 with their debut release. Guess what? They are fixing to kill your current version of "hip" music. You just pissed off the greatest frontman and guitarist of all times and they are gonna blow your lame asses off the air. Maybe you should expect to not get a video for anything they release, like you didn't get a video for Me Wise Magic in '96! Van Halen is the biggest American Rock Band ever, and they don't need you to sell CDs, and hopefully they won't let you be a part of the reunion! So a big middle fingers up to you folks at MTV!

    Oh yeah, in case I forgot to tell any of your monkey asses, I'm a former board moderator at and current moderator at Look for the guy going by houseofpain if you wanna debate me anything related to this thread at either of those sites. I will lay it all out for a shot at you dumb asses. Do I think I could run a better Music Television than you? HELL YES I DO! First off, I wouldn't call it MTV if you don't play music. If I were playing crap like Real World 147 in Orlando or what the hell ever, I would call it lameassweakshitempTV. Get that shit off! It has nothing to do with music! Play music or open a new station.

    Now with those things being said, I must be sure to end this email the same way I do my posts at the two afforementioned websites. I say four little words that represent everything that is right about Classic VH!Everything that is right about the Diamond One! I belong to a super fan group. The resident badasses! We will check your asses on all the bullshit and all the hypocrisy! So if you ain't down with Van Halen being the greatest band ever, and Diamond David Lee Roth being the greatest singer/songwriter in that band, then my 25 closest web friends and I have four little words for ya!......

    Eat Us And Smile!

    Tom (houseofpain)
    Tulsa, Oklahalen
    27 and father to one girl who will never listen to Britney Spears

    Right Now..... you need to Eat Us And Smile!!!

    "A good friend of mine used to say, 'This is a very simple game. You throw the ball, you catch the ball, you hit the ball. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains.' Think about that for a while." Nuke LaLoosh

    [This message has been edited by redfire (edited September 09, 2000 at 02:17 PM).]

  4. #4
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    VHLinks Proud!Thee KingMaster PraiserSupremely-Liked75,000 VHL Life Points15,000 VHL Life Points5,000 VHL Life Points
    Good for you Jim! That was a good letter you wrote to MTV.
    I found another one on MTV online that I thought was good...

    Overall watching last night's show was a complete waste of 3 hours. The sickening part is that you will now probably replay it 50 times in the next week. Oh joy!

    Brian, 25

    LOL! I have to agree with that guy. Although I knew better than to waste three hours watching that lame show.

    Right Now you're reading my post!
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  5. #5
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    good post house. i don't think that it would have made it because it was pretty long. still a good post though.

    i know i would!!!
    i am a Dirty Faced Kid, although i do fancy myself a good lookin' fellow...
    AD for life...



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