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03.03.03, 12:47 PM #1
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VHII - Favorite VH Song
Drop Dead Legs - Last Online
12.31.69 @ 05:00 PM - Likes (Given)
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I ask this because today I was thinking about the first time VH entered my consciousness. It was 1980, and I was 12. My father brought home Women and Children and I recall looking at the picture of Michael Anthony holding what looks to be a joint (or is it a cigarette? I still can't tell) and thinking...wow, cool. I hadn't even heard the music yet but I knew it was going to be rowdy, just by looking at that picture. I was fascinated by the album cover. I still am.
Can anyone else remember how it started for them?(pretty smile)
03.03.03, 01:05 PM #2
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Fair Warning - Favorite VH Song
Hear About It Later, Atomic Pu - Last Online
08.24.24 @ 11:25 PM - Likes (Given)
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Two things happened right around the same time - I saw pics of them in a Hit Parader magazine and I also joined Columbia House. I remember thinking how freakin cool Ed looked, first of all. And then the pics of the band standing on the steps of Roth's house told me they were cooler than any other band out there.
When I joined Columbia, VHII had just come out, so I got it as one of my initial order albums. As soon as I heard it, I ran out and bought the first album. From then on, I was hooked. The guitar tone was just amazing, Ed's playing was out of this world, and I'd never heard anybody do what Roth did vocally - the whoops, squeals and screams. The dude was a mutant! LOL
03.03.03, 01:10 PM #3
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- Favorite VH Album
Van Halen 1 - Favorite VH Song
Unchained - Last Online
12.31.69 @ 05:00 PM - Likes (Given)
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Cool thread idea. I have a vivid memory of the first time I heard VH. I woulda been about 12 or 13 at the time. I don't think the 2nd album was out. It was summer vacation and I was spending the week at my Aunt @ Uncle's place. My cousin (same age) took me to this grungy arcade called Wireland. The guy there had this ungodly loud stereo (I remember it had Yamaha speakers
For a quarter, he would play any three songs that you picked out of his record collection. Primitive jukebox I guess [img]graemlins/thumb.gif[/img] My cousin had him play 3 songs that I'd never heard before: Kansas - Carry on our Wayward Son, The Movie Theme from the Warriors, and VH's Eruption. I was a major Zeppelin junkie at the time, and I remember being pretty impressed by the first two tunes, but the last one blew me away. I just couldn't get enough and immediately had to hear more. I went through quite a few quarters that day listening to Eruption-You Really Got Me-Ain't Talkin Bout Love. I'm pretty sure the guy was sick of his own record by the time I left.
I love that album to this day, but nothing will ever beat the buzz it gave me the first time I heard it. [img]graemlins/bounce.gif[/img]
"Some men are born to greatness, some women have greatness thrust up in them."<br /> <br />Diamond Dave
03.03.03, 01:24 PM #4
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- Favorite VH Album
Fair Warning, 5150 - Favorite VH Song
Unchained, Dreams - Last Online
12.31.69 @ 05:00 PM - Likes (Given)
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The first time I heard the name "Van Halen" was when Eddie married Valerie. I was so pissed that she got married and who in the fuck was this Eddie Van Halen guy? At that time I listened to primarily country music, so I had no idea of what was going on in rock. I didn't get into Van Halen until "1984" came out. In about '87, I had taken an interest in playing guitar, and my brother and I were cruising Las Vegas, when KOMP had a guitar war going on. They played a Zeppelin song, and then played "Eruption". My brother and I looked at each other like "Holy fuckin' shit", then proceeded to Tower records and bought Van Halen 1. I've been trying to play it ever since. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Everyday I break my previous record for consecutive days staying alive.
03.03.03, 01:27 PM #5
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A Different Kind Of Truth - Favorite VH Song
Summer Nights / I´ll Wait - Last Online
11.06.17 @ 02:38 AM - Likes (Given)
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In 1984, a guy in the neighbourhood told me from this cool band and their asskickin´ frontman. I was thirteen. At this time Jump was a top twenty hit in Germany. I bought 1984 and it blew me away. From that day on, I was vanhalenized.
03.03.03, 03:58 PM #6
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- Favorite VH Album
Van Halen, Fair Warning - Favorite VH Song
Little Guitars, Atomic Punk, Panama - Last Online
12.31.69 @ 05:00 PM - Likes (Given)
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About 5 years ago on the radio.
"Hi, take the television, place it against your body, feel the sound of my voice, I'm Diamond David Lee Roth." -DLR
03.03.03, 06:18 PM #7
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- Favorite VH Album
Van Halen II - Favorite VH Song
Drop Dead Legs - Last Online
05.17.20 @ 12:05 PM - Likes (Given)
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Great thread Betty [img]graemlins/thumb.gif[/img] My first experience with VH also came with the fascination of an album over. It was about 1988 and i was 8yrs old when my sister brought the album 5150. I think i was playin around in the living room with my transformers or some shit when i tripped on this crate of records and saw the cover of this HUUUGE guy holding up a ball with VH on it. I was WTF??
I wasnt allowed to mess with the record player when my mom wasnt around but i said fuck it. I popped it on side 2 and as soon as i heard the first chord i was hooked. And still to this day whenever i hear Best Of Both Worlds it brings the feeling back to me. The freshness of that music..that feeling will never leave me. Thats the beautiful thing about music ya know. And for an 8yr old black kid that lived in a primarily black and latino area and who'd never heard any music like that..i mean it just blew me away. Thats my two cents
"It's always a Catch-22 situation. They hate you if you're the same, and they hate you if you're different."
~Eddie Van Halen~
"The perfect woman has an IQ of 150, wants to make love until 4 in the morning, and then turns into a pizza."
~David Lee Roth~
03.03.03, 06:52 PM #8
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- Favorite VH Album
1984, 5150 - Favorite VH Song
Jamie\'s cryin\', Dreams, Right now - Last Online
02.27.07 @ 05:58 AM - Likes (Given)
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I remember seeing a film clip for 'You really got me' on TV. I had never liked the song, but this new band grabbed me by the balls and wouldn't let go!!
So off I went down to the record store and bought me a brand new 'Van Halen' vinyl. I was 16.
Ever since then, VH and I have been inseparable.
03.03.03, 07:21 PM #9
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The First One - Favorite VH Song
I'm The One - Last Online
Today @ 07:34 PM - Likes (Given)
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I was walking through a liquor store parking lot during lunch time back in 1978 when I heard this ungodly guitar solo blaring out of the stereo of some guy's Camaro. I asked, "Who is that?!?" Someone said, "That's Van Halen."
When I got home from school that day, I asked my older brother if he knew who Van Halen was. He had recorded the first album album onto an 8 track tape. I played that tape over and over and over again. I have been a Van Halen fanatic ever since. I am sure that I have listened to the first Van Halen album more than any other album ever recorded.
I was a Freshman in High School in 1978-1979. I remember telling everybody how this guy Eddie Van Halen blew away Jimmy Page on the guitar. This was considered sacrilege at the time because Led Zeppelin was THE BAND. I think I have been proven to be correct.
By the way, Zeppelin is probably my second favorite band."It's so lonely at the top because it's so crowded at the bottom" - Diamond David Lee Roth
"The truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth" - Todd Wagner
"Women and Children First ... The REAL Van Halen III"
03.04.03, 07:28 AM #10
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Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love - Last Online
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Around 1982 or 1983. I would have been around 11/12 years old.
Remember the Heroes - 9/11/01
In 2012, the phoenix has risen!!
"High speed, low drag."
"Look at all the people here tonight!!!" - 10/5/07, 5/20/08 Mohegan Sun
Congratulations to Van Halen as part of the Class of 2007 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!
Cinco de Cabo @ Foxwoods: "A giant party with live music" - S. Hagar
got tequila?
03.04.03, 07:57 AM #11
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Fair Warning - Favorite VH Song
In a Simple Rhyme - Last Online
02.06.06 @ 09:02 AM - Likes (Given)
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about 5 years ago i bought a guitar player magazine and it had the tab and backing track for the intro to hot for teacher .. just that tapping bit ... first time i heard that riff on the cd it absolutely killed me and i spent HOURS trying to get it down and i had to hear the original .. been hooked since !
03.04.03, 08:31 AM #12
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- Favorite VH Album
1984, Balance, Van Halen, 5150 - Favorite VH Song
Mike on SGMAD, Baluchetherium - Last Online
02.12.07 @ 04:44 PM - Likes (Given)
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Well my friends were telling me, "dude there's this band, and when they play live, their drummer does like 10 minute drum solos, the band just goes back stage and drinks beer". I was thinking "Good god, how awesome can a group be?"
Later on I remember hearing You really got me a lot on radio and stuff, I loved that song and thought Van Halen was the sweetest rock band, but never bought one of their albums. That Summer, I was watching VH1 and they showed parts of the Panama video. I heard that great guitar lick and went straight out and bought 1984. I've been hooked on every album since.How to make a “Mad Anthony”
2 oz Cabo Wabo® Tequila
1 oz Spicy V8
Juice from a fresh Lime
A generous dollop of Mad Anthony’s Hot Sauce
Combine in a shaker full of ice and shake it up
Pour into shot glass garnished with
a dab of salt
a small slice of lime
a slice of Serrano or Jalapeno chili pepper
03.04.03, 10:30 AM #13
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Van Halen I - Favorite VH Song
Unchained - Last Online
12.31.69 @ 05:00 PM - Likes (Given)
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Summer 1978 on Pensacola Beach. A buddy of mine told me he had a cassette of a band named Van Halen. He said they sounded just like Boston. We sat in his car, burned a big fatty and he cranked up "Running With the Devil". Immediately I said "Man this sounds nothing like Boston!!!". What it sounded like was the coolest, hardest, best sounding rock band I had heard in a long time. I was immediately hooked. What struck me above everything else was the awesome tone of Eddie's guitar and the high harmony of Michael Anthony. Thanks Billy (R.I.P) for turning me on to Van Halen. I'll never forget that day at the beach.
"The truth hurts."
03.04.03, 11:07 AM #14
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VHII - Favorite VH Song
Drop Dead Legs - Last Online
12.31.69 @ 05:00 PM - Likes (Given)
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I can still remember how I felt when I heard "Cradle" for the 1st time. I had my dad's huge headphones on. I can remember staring at the turntable in shock as that incredible racket blasted my brain--in 1980 I was heavily into disco and Michael Jackson, but the 1st few seconds of Cradle blew that all away. [img]graemlins/scared.gif[/img] I went from being a little girl in a training bra to a grown-up rocker in the span of 2 seconds.
"Well, it seems a kinda frightnin'..." [img]graemlins/thumb.gif[/img](pretty smile)
03.04.03, 11:10 AM #15
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Balance, WACF - Favorite VH Song
Humans Being, Romeo Delight, - Last Online
02.05.15 @ 01:19 PM - Likes (Given)
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I was 11 and my (still) idiot older brother was getting rid of his 8-tracks. One of them was VH1 - he said he didn't like it (and still doesn't - hence part of why he is an idiot) as it was "too noisy". I happened to like noise so I took it off the pile. Been hooked ever since.
"There is a fine line between stupid and clever" - Nigel Tufnel
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