Let's face it...VH has two choices.....
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  1. #1
    Little Dreamer

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    12.31.69 @ 05:00 PM
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    They can either:

    a) reunite with Dave


    b) quit

    Everyone (I mean EVERYONE) wants to see DLR back in the band. To put anything else but Dave back in the band would be suicide. Hell, we all wanted to see Dave back with them when they hired what's-his-name to be the singer.

    Dave's solo albumn was really good, and if you've heard bootlegs or attended a DLR Band show when he did all the old VH classics, you know there cannot be anything but Dave. If it's the case, Eddie needs to swallow his pride and do either one of the above, because let's face another fact...Eddie wears the VH pants, it's up to him whether or not they get back together. You can have VH w/o Mike or even Alex. We've seen you can have VH w/o Dave, but Eddie is VH, and his word is GOD.

    So what is it Eddie? Dave or quit?

  2. #2
    Sinner's Swing!

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    12.31.69 @ 05:00 PM
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    yes we would like to see dlr back, but i think in the long run it wont last with dave(i hope it does)right now it would have to be dave or sammy, if not those two i think if they went with a 4th singer either s. bach or david coverdale. but hopefuly they worked everything out and they will rock on for more years to come.
    van halen shall return. what you think is nothing might be something after all.

  3. #3
    Hang 'Em High
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    25,000 VHL Life PointsThee King
    I think Van Halen ran themselves out of options by not killing the Dave rumors from the start. Of course there's a reason they didn't, namely that they did try to work with Dave again. As it stands we don't know what has kept them from taking their collaboration to the next level. But a good portion of the lack of acceptance afforded to Gary was dangling Dave in the fans' faces and then not delivering. This time Dave has been dangled in our faces for 10 times as long, so if VH suddenly comes out with another singer, the level of acceptance will be even worse than it was in 98. I firmly believe that even if they wanted to bring Sammy back, they would have to kill the Dave possibility publicly, and then leave a period of time open for the fans to cool off.

    This topic has been up for a day and a half. Let's see if sending it to the Opinions forum can light a fire under it. [img]smile.gif[/img]



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