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Thread: Is Rock Dead?
01.03.01, 02:45 PM #1
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Turned on my local radio station yesterday and overnight it changed it's whole format. Went from a classic rock format, with new stuff too, to a boyband station. Reason, there were two of them, it is the popular music today that sells advertising. Second reason, they are now targeting women between 18 -40. Rock music does not get the audience which gets the advertising revenue the station needs. My point, well I think it is obvious rock is dead, and to get on stations that appeal to the biggest audience Van Halen will need a very radio friendly 'pop' song, or a different version such as Creed did with Arms wide Open to really get maximum exposure. Not to rain on any parades, but was a bit of a shock in my little world yesterday, especially to see what really does sell and what really is popular.
01.03.01, 03:32 PM #2
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People have been saying rock is dead for years...No way it is. As long as people like us continue to listen to it and support it....!
01.03.01, 04:12 PM #3
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12.31.69 @ 05:00 PM - Likes (Given)
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i don't think rock will ever be dead, although the current status of it is in pretty bad shape. U2 has certainly embraced being rock stars. Radiohead was certainly on the way before they released kida. it is definitely a great album, but i think they kind of chickened out on coming out with a great rock album, which they are certainly capable of. everything seems to be rap/rock or candy music these days.
rock will definitely be back to a much stronger hold on the market share, hopefuly led by a great new vh album.
01.03.01, 04:28 PM #4
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For me, I think it's best just to look at this on its most basic level. And that is whether rock is dead to me? The answer is "NO".
The Michael Jordan of Van Halen websites!!!
01.03.01, 04:39 PM #5
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03.27.21 @ 03:39 PM - Likes (Given)
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Rock is not dead. The fact that particular radio station sold out follows a typical boy band trend, and as soon as the pop trash leaves the scene, that radio station's gonna either be screwed or be forced to go back to what can withstand generations and still sound good - good ol' rock.
"Rock and roll ain't noise pollution! Rock and roll ain't gonna die!"
--AC/DC, "Rock And Roll Ain't Noise Pollution"
noNews != goodNews
Roth-Era Van Halen. It does a CD player good.
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01.03.01, 05:56 PM #6
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12.31.69 @ 05:00 PM - Likes (Given)
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When I lived in Pittsburgh, back around '91 '92 we had 2 good rock stations. The smaller of the 2 was by far the better station...the bigger station proceeded to buy out the little one, change format at midnight, unannounced, to some really BAD 70's adult contemporary. The change lasted a WEEK, and then they sold the station to a 3rd party. The new owners returned to a classic rock format, but the damage was done. In that week, the reputation of the little station was DESTROYED. (anyone in Pittsburgh, I'm referring to the 97 Rock to Y97 to Magic 97 schism of early '92 or '93, all caused by the evil 102.5 WDVE) A similar thing happened with 106.7 'the Force' switching to alternative...they're ANOTHER station owned by DVE.
I was home for Christmas, and now both stations seem to be doing well.
Anyway, rock isn't dead; it's just DORMANT.
My latest ponderings have brought me to this conclusion: if/when VH comes back, it WILL be big, but the effect on music is that they will simply be the transition band--they'll help usher in a NEW style for the new millenium, but I doubt they'll actually be a part of it.
Overall, the more BAD rock that dies out (you know the offending parties), then all the more room will be left for VH to at least continue if they so choose.
01.03.01, 06:12 PM #7
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12.31.69 @ 05:00 PM - Likes (Given)
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rock has been on the wain(sp?)
since the first BAD COMPANY release. 107.9 the end went from a modern rock station to a rap station. there are a few good rock stations left like 106.9. VH will get heavy play i would guess on rock formats.
01.04.01, 07:47 AM #8
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10.26.20 @ 08:00 AM - Likes (Given)
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Is Rock dead??
Well, I just heard of the nominees for this years Grammy Awards. That punk Eminem has got 4 nominations.
When I think about that, there must be something wrong with the music world today....and it certainly suggests that rock is dead.
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01.04.01, 12:55 PM #9
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Well, hopefully this year will give MTV a swift kick in the ass for being part of the problem in not letting anything other than their boy band/rap/pop format get more than an hours worth of exposure if that. The list for albums being released by rock bands of the 80s in 2001 is growing pretty rapidly, hopefully a shift will occur to balance out the sides.
01.06.01, 12:26 PM #10
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I just think of the often quoted Duke Ellington during discussions such as these..."There's only two kinds of music...good music and bad music..." Most of it will ALWAYS BE BAD...just a fact of life...
01.06.01, 03:35 PM #11
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12.31.69 @ 05:00 PM - Likes (Given)
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It is not dead! Rock is resiliant and elastic. It keeps coming back. Goes a little dormant at times but always hanging around. Don't believe me? Explain the Stones, Aerosmith, Van Halen, etc.. then! The boy bands, girl bands, rap crap groups, can only dream about having a career that lasts 10, 20, 30 years. Like Dave says, "here today, gone later today!" Most of these bands won't be around in 5 years.
Since I'm going off, fuck MTV again for ripping on VH as a band of the past. Let us never forget that! And I'm spent.. MO.
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01.07.01, 05:54 PM #12
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12.31.69 @ 05:00 PM - Likes (Given)
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Is rock dead? That is somewhat of a rhetorical question. While rock is still alive, let's face it, mainstream, money making music has changed substantially over the past 15 or even 10 years. While any former or diehard VH fans may purchase and attend a new CD (even with Roth at the helm), any music Van Halen may produce simply will not have wide-spread, phenominal popularity the band once enjoyed for two reasons as I see it. First, music has changed. Second, although through "Balance" Van Halen enjoyed great success, the chaos caused by Ray Daniels and the following break up(s) and mixing up of the band has damaged the band's momentum. While I very much look forward to a new CD, unless Warner Bros. creates wonderous marketing scheme for the band and the new CD, Van Halen will not be a major force in the music industry.
01.07.01, 06:19 PM #13
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mkrltl: so right on that radiohead comment, what the hell where they thinking. anyway most of the songs on that cd are old songs redone anyway.
01.07.01, 07:51 PM #14
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Rocks are falling
Coming down around our very heads
We tried but you were yawning
Look again
Long Live Rock by the Who
The Michael Jordan of Van Halen websites!!!
01.07.01, 07:58 PM #15
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12.05.24 @ 09:50 AM - Likes (Given)
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Rock's been in a declining position for a while, but I think it's coming back with some new bands.
3 Doors Down
Foo Fighters
Kid Rock
Although I mostly listen to old stuff, there's some new stuff out there that I like.
Trent Reznor once said that if you put a gun to his head and told him to name 10 good bands that have come out in the past 5 years, you'd be wiping his brains off the wall. I tried it the other day and I was surprised I actually got like 12 or 13.
"The thing that inspires me the most is my bottle of Jack Daniels. It's my best friend in the world. Ol' Jack will never let you down. He's always there when you need him" - Nikki Sixx, Hit Parader magazine 1986
"Van Halen is 'Get the fuck off the sidewalk if ya don't like our drivin' kinda music!" - David Lee Roth
"We get to the hotel, there's people partyin' in the parking lot, people gettin' down in the elevator, wow! I swear to God I had this one chick, this chick was poundin' on my door, she was kickin' and screamin' at my door 'til about 6.30 this morning. Finally, I just said, 'Fuck it!' and let her out of my room!" - David Lee Roth
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