View Full Version : From DLR: 02.11.12 - Song By Song: As Is

02.11.12, 10:17 AM
Ok first of the day here, enjoy!

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/36588589?autoplay=0&amp;loop=1" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>

sinner's swing
02.11.12, 10:23 AM
Ok first of the day here, enjoy!

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/36588589?autoplay=0&amp;loop=1" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>

Thanks, I love this shit.:headbang:

02.11.12, 10:25 AM
There are a couple of Dave's interviews about As Is as markp was kind enough to point out to me before my post made no sense whatsoever.

02.11.12, 10:28 AM
HAHAHAHA! Can't wait to see video/photo of that Opal/deer coming through Dave's living room wall. Great stuff!

02.11.12, 10:29 AM
What amazed me most about the video is that the scene in NYC at the end, the car didn't get caught at one red light! Is that normal for NYC? Wouldn't happen here in Vancouver and we compared in population and size, we are just a pimple on NYC's ass!

Like the Comet/Vomit comment too. I hope people, outside or our circle, appreciate Dave for his genius.

This is a different video.. although I thought it would be the same too.

02.11.12, 10:31 AM
This is a different video.. although I thought it would be the same too.

Thanks for pointing that out. I jumped the gun. Should have listened to what my teacher said and read the instructions first.

sinner's swing
02.11.12, 10:41 AM
HBSD is up!!!

02.11.12, 10:47 AM
HAHAHAHA! Can't wait to see video/photo of that Opal/deer coming through Dave's living room wall. Great stuff!

Seen it; it's wild but looks cool!

mike zack
02.11.12, 11:49 AM
He said "Mike"...good to hear!

02.11.12, 11:50 AM
Love it.

02.11.12, 11:55 AM
He said "Mike"...good to hear!
That he did!

02.11.12, 12:10 PM
Just amazing.

02.11.12, 12:27 PM
Blue Suede Hooves ---don't know it I spelled that right but
Priceless---sounds like a song title for future album !!!

Daisy Hill
02.11.12, 12:42 PM
what a kook :)

02.11.12, 01:34 PM
I am loving all this stuff! THANKS, DAVE!


02.11.12, 04:10 PM
what does this have to do with anything. who wants hear him ramble on.....get to the point. does this even explain the song? i gave up half way through. :sleep:

02.11.12, 04:54 PM
what does this have to do with anything. who wants hear him ramble on.

From the number of positive posts on this and other Van Halen sites, I'd say lots of people like to hear Dave ramble on.

02.11.12, 05:04 PM
When are you going to do something? Somethings being done.....Summers Coming!


Ain't Talkin' Bout' Love
02.12.12, 07:50 PM
That had nothing to do with the song lol.

I love that he at least mentioned Mike, you know the proper thing to do would be an apology from Ed and an invite to play a few songs at some select shows. Sadly it will never happen.

02.12.12, 08:46 PM
He said "Mike"...good to hear!


Cabo Kid
02.23.12, 07:53 AM
HAHAHAHA! Can't wait to see video/photo of that Opal/deer coming through Dave's living room wall. Great stuff!

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/403314_3128802013302_1062242905_3160331_1349239713 _n.jpg

Found this in Dave's "Shoo Bop" video. Methinks I see a deer hanging out of a car's windshield. :D

02.24.12, 12:57 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/403314_3128802013302_1062242905_3160331_1349239713 _n.jpg

Found this in Dave's "Shoo Bop" video. Methinks I see a deer hanging out of a car's windshield. :D

Oh Dear

03.12.12, 02:32 AM
From the number of positive posts on this and other Van Halen sites, I'd say lots of people like to hear Dave ramble on.
That's what he does best....and it's usually gold. Reminds me of the tag line for the comic book character Wolverine..."I'm the best there is at what I do...but what I do best isn't very nice".

Dave is a quote machine, don't put your hand in the gears unless you want to lose an appendage.

03.24.12, 01:31 PM
I wonder if we've hit the end of the videos. I was getting so spoiled by them that I was hoping we'd get one for every song and then a few other odds and ends. It seems like this is the longest we've gone without anything since they started isn't it? I also hope there's more of that interview coming at some point whether on the web or on dvd.

03.26.12, 02:55 PM
He didn't explain the song very well. :confused: