View Full Version : Bootleg Network
- Finland ProShot Video
- Top 5 VH Bootleg Albums
- Essential boots
- Top 5 cover songs
- was there a time when Eddie never rocked???
- Susie Q or It's Your Thing or Spoonful
- Questions about Demo Daze???
- Favorite Song or Song Reference on a Van Halen bootleg?
- Rarest and Most Badassest
- '83 In Argentina
- I'm very superstitious
- Take 1 Take 2
- Trading unreleased and rare mp3s
- How Do You Build a Bootleg CD Collection??
- Internet Unreleased Cassettes
- Attn Newbies...
- Fair Warning Boot
- VH Rocks the Beer Hall
- Oh say can you see...
- Help!!
- US. 83 pre show party
- New Boot Suggestion
- Where can I download VH mp3's off the net??
- How come VH doesn't have Dick's Picks?
- vh video needed
- DLR 99 boots??
- ? where to get , angel eyes
- "thats why i love you" on casette anybody?
- I have found the Fair Warning tour everyone!!!!
- roth soundboard (desperatly seeking)
- I Have Dlr Vaasa Finland Pro Shot 99 For Trade
- DLR 99 - help ?
- I'd Rather Be, In Montreal
- DC/Balt/VA boot sources
- Online Fileshare (u/l and d/l)
- Can anyone help me w/ a 3 tour boot??
- cabo gig
- Looney Tunes
- Stevei Ray Vaughn/Joe Satriani unplugged
- VH Video Footage
- South American Assault cover art?
- Need To Trade for 2 Titles
- Apology
- Question on Video Quality
- Unchained with Hagar
- Anyone with a decent copy of Maryland '82 video? Wanna trade?
- VH in Sweden '84
- dlr at a roast for karate friend..........
- i am a bonehead...(need dealer tip)
- any new jersey collectors out there?
- Explanations about Bootlegs please!
- looking for London Invasion '80
- DLR Video ?
- Whiskey 1977?
- patti smythe / van halen......
- eddie on saturday night live
- votes for the best sounding boot
- Compare Bootleg CD Collections and Videos of Unreleased VH
- DLR with Steve Vai bootlegs?
- I need some awesome DLR VH shows, please help!
- Has anyone bought VH concert videos online?
- VH videos and cds
- VH videos and cds
- I have some stuff...
- Your Favorite Bootleg
- Barrie 1993
- pro shot
- Any Good Or What!!!
- question about a vh3 show
- VHIII tour boots
- Brazil '83 and Huntsville,AL '92--video
- dave live videos
- just got a new DLRBand live video yesterday!!!!
- DLR Band/Bad Company Tour '99
- Interview Collections?
- 1982 Vh Boot Maryland?
- David Lee Roth Bootlegs
- 1983 LIVE Boots?
- Van Halen for Motley Crue
- VH 1984 Montreal Forum video
- VH Latin Assault
- big trouble
- Summertime blues outtro
- Rockin' My Hometown cd
- Diamond Dave Goes Home Again
- I need help concern the NTSC pal format !!!
- bluesy intro to Feel Your Love Tonight
- crashnjump
- Good Trader Alert
- Question For Traders???
- Eyes Of The Night
- Las Vegas blues
- angel eyes.
- Wild and Wonderful Video
- DJ Rodney B Demo Daze and Live and Loud
- vh3 tour soundcheck
- What was your first bootleg?
- Van Halen live footage
- I need help
- Van Halen Unleashed
- Need VH Video Help!
- Tabacco road?
- Looking for real traders
- 1984! Btm
- You know you're addicted to bootlegs when
- How does someone get a start in bootlegging?
- anyone have "wildfire" on mp3?
- Dave's "Summertime" intro to Ice Cream Man
- Lookin' fo:
- são paulo - brasil - 1983
- Roth solo recommendations?
- Stairway to heavan?
- B-side -Crossing over
- Largo 5-1-80 SOUNDBOARD
- Trades Anyone?
- (non-vh) led zeppelin
- 10-25-88, Chicago
- sammy : never said goodbye
- Van Halen Concert Memories
- South American Assault
- funky section in You Really Got Me
- St.louis Bootlegs Fo Tradin'
- Last Dlr Sessions In '85
- Vh Chicago Show...
- In a cold sweat?
- DLR boot from 1988 Skicraper tour to trade !
- Dave's Last Show
- Is there better versions of the demos?
- VH "At The Best"
- VH MP3's?
- 1981 Tour intro to Ice Cream Man
- bigdogdo??
- "Black Star"
- Looking for the following ...................
- Looking for "Rocks the Beer Hall" boot
- Lookin for DLR Finland 99 pro shot vid?
- 2-1-89 Tokyo,Japan--Best of Both Worlds outtro
- Caracas '83 pro video?
- Largo,MD 5-1-80 SOUNDBOARD
- Sammy, 7-15-97
- pensacola mtr spdway
- sammy and gary era
- Was there a place to download this Unchained video,I guess I didn't see it.
- Eddie's solo on the '80 tour
- Thankyou Glenn , you the man , Great Bunch of guys here on this site
- who is in favor???
- Essential Bootlegs from the ROTH ERA
- DAWN OF 5150 and WACF studio sessions on CD up for grabs!!
- CD Burning Question???
- Live 1984 recordings?
- I'm looking for a 78 or 79 video
- Live 1984 recordings?
- US Festival/South American Assault
- Jerel-Trading Tree????
- Loony Tunes-Song 8 on Disc 3
- Where does VHND hide their entrance to the batcave??
- DLR Unreleased-What are These 3 Songs?
- does anyone have heartfelt for hartford?
- July 30,1996 Hagar and the Dead
- Anyone have DLR or Sammy lists?
- Free boot vs. boot trade
- Help!!! I Need Coverart!!!!!
- reggie hayse good trader
- Mothers Day Meltdown
- "Grand Rapids '98" CD
- Recommend a Trader - Give + or - feedback here
- VH3 Tour- Mansfield,Mass. bootleg question
- Brand Spankin' New VH Bootlegs!!!
- Any Oregon boots?
- Super rare shit from the mighty club days
- Glitter?
- Van Halen 1975 show w/Air Castle
- Kind of off-topic...recording concerts
- Largo 1980 Video somewhere....
- DLR unleashed and unreleased
- Panama video - live footage
- Online trades of rare boots?
- Fair Warning Boot
- Bootleg Question #1
- Bootleg Question #2
- Bootleg Question #3
- Bootleg Question #4
- Bootleg Question #5
- Bootleg Question #6
- dave/dlrband 99 pro ???
- US Festival-What's That Song
- Napster screen names
- VH1 Garage Band
- Red House
- All Star Garage Band
- bootlegs
- The rights and wrongs of bootlegs
- '78 Boots/Videos
- Boots Online
- What is everyone's favorite boot??
- Missing 2 songs...
- Thanks everyone
- Honolulu '98 boot? (Plus a cool link to check out!)
- Bullethead
- New discs = unreleased tunes?
- Internet Unreleased Volumes 1-7
- Grand Funk Railroad
- Fav. boots by other bands?
- Live at the 10 spot
- How many boots do you have?
- What format are you boots in?
- Where to find boots?
- Anyone see this boot before?
- Pro disc and regular CDR
- FTP for boots, Jerel?
- dlr band audience shot ( ?? )
- Get your trading site hosted at for free!
- Thank you Jerel
- Air Castle 1975
- Jump???
- Looking for a few cds.
- Blueprint and TAF
- Best Dave Bootleg Quotes
- Wanted!!! "Van Halen 2000 tribute"
- I HAVE THE PRO SHOT 84 HOT FOR TEACHER In Mpeg format!!!!!!!
- Finishin what they started?
- DaveTV 1999 Episodes 1-4 Bootleg
- Need help converting!
- Looking for some bootlegs
- Boot help
- The Appamann - VH FTP
- June 1st or 3rd, 1976
- 1980 London Invasion
- Won't Get Fooled Again
- Coverart Needed!
- Bootlegs online at newsgroup today!!!
- Looney Tunes
- Acoustic Full Bug intro by Dave live on the Diver Down Tour?
- Does anyone know this trader?
- Yokohama
- ???sherman cds???
- Trade.
- owners opinion???
- Lets get rockn - live and crosstown traffic
- '95 NY Balance Tour Vid
- Cover Art questions
- New Guy From Canada.....
- How many leftover VH original songs are there?
- I'm Back
- Hagar Bootleg Question
- [vh]the 30 craziest people in the world
- Best FW Boot
- New Show Posted
- Sammy Hagar SOLO shows wanted!
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