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  1. Finland ProShot Video
  2. Top 5 VH Bootleg Albums
  3. Essential boots
  4. Top 5 cover songs
  5. was there a time when Eddie never rocked???
  6. Susie Q or It's Your Thing or Spoonful
  7. Questions about Demo Daze???
  8. Favorite Song or Song Reference on a Van Halen bootleg?
  9. Rarest and Most Badassest
  10. '83 In Argentina
  11. I'm very superstitious
  12. Take 1 Take 2
  13. Trading unreleased and rare mp3s
  14. How Do You Build a Bootleg CD Collection??
  15. Internet Unreleased Cassettes
  16. Attn Newbies...
  17. Fair Warning Boot
  18. VH Rocks the Beer Hall
  19. Oh say can you see...
  20. Help!!
  21. US. 83 pre show party
  22. New Boot Suggestion
  23. Where can I download VH mp3's off the net??
  24. How come VH doesn't have Dick's Picks?
  25. vh video needed
  26. DLR 99 boots??
  27. ? where to get , angel eyes
  28. "thats why i love you" on casette anybody?
  29. I have found the Fair Warning tour everyone!!!!
  30. roth soundboard (desperatly seeking)
  31. I Have Dlr Vaasa Finland Pro Shot 99 For Trade
  32. DLR 99 - help ?
  33. I'd Rather Be, In Montreal
  34. DC/Balt/VA boot sources
  35. Online Fileshare (u/l and d/l)
  36. Can anyone help me w/ a 3 tour boot??
  37. cabo gig
  38. Looney Tunes
  39. Stevei Ray Vaughn/Joe Satriani unplugged
  40. VH Video Footage
  41. South American Assault cover art?
  42. Need To Trade for 2 Titles
  43. Apology
  44. Question on Video Quality
  45. Unchained with Hagar
  46. Anyone with a decent copy of Maryland '82 video? Wanna trade?
  47. VH in Sweden '84
  48. dlr at a roast for karate friend..........
  49. i am a bonehead...(need dealer tip)
  50. any new jersey collectors out there?
  51. Explanations about Bootlegs please!
  52. looking for London Invasion '80
  53. DLR Video ?
  54. Whiskey 1977?
  55. patti smythe / van halen......
  56. eddie on saturday night live
  57. votes for the best sounding boot
  58. Compare Bootleg CD Collections and Videos of Unreleased VH
  59. DLR with Steve Vai bootlegs?
  60. I need some awesome DLR VH shows, please help!
  61. Has anyone bought VH concert videos online?
  62. VH videos and cds
  63. VH videos and cds
  64. I have some stuff...
  65. Your Favorite Bootleg
  66. Barrie 1993
  67. pro shot
  68. Any Good Or What!!!
  69. question about a vh3 show
  70. VHIII tour boots
  71. Brazil '83 and Huntsville,AL '92--video
  72. dave live videos
  73. just got a new DLRBand live video yesterday!!!!
  74. DLR Band/Bad Company Tour '99
  75. Interview Collections?
  76. 1982 Vh Boot Maryland?
  77. David Lee Roth Bootlegs
  78. 1983 LIVE Boots?
  79. Van Halen for Motley Crue
  80. VH 1984 Montreal Forum video
  81. VH Latin Assault
  82. big trouble
  83. Summertime blues outtro
  84. Rockin' My Hometown cd
  85. Diamond Dave Goes Home Again
  86. I need help concern the NTSC pal format !!!
  87. bluesy intro to Feel Your Love Tonight
  88. crashnjump
  89. Good Trader Alert
  90. Question For Traders???
  91. Eyes Of The Night
  92. Las Vegas blues
  93. angel eyes.
  94. Wild and Wonderful Video
  95. DJ Rodney B Demo Daze and Live and Loud
  96. vh3 tour soundcheck
  97. What was your first bootleg?
  98. Van Halen live footage
  99. I need help
  100. Van Halen Unleashed
  101. Need VH Video Help!
  102. Tabacco road?
  103. Looking for real traders
  104. 1984! Btm
  105. You know you're addicted to bootlegs when
  106. How does someone get a start in bootlegging?
  107. anyone have "wildfire" on mp3?
  108. Dave's "Summertime" intro to Ice Cream Man
  109. Lookin' fo:
  110. são paulo - brasil - 1983
  111. Roth solo recommendations?
  112. Stairway to heavan?
  113. B-side -Crossing over
  114. Largo 5-1-80 SOUNDBOARD
  115. Trades Anyone?
  116. (non-vh) led zeppelin
  117. 10-25-88, Chicago
  118. sammy : never said goodbye
  119. Van Halen Concert Memories
  120. South American Assault
  121. funky section in You Really Got Me
  122. St.louis Bootlegs Fo Tradin'
  123. Last Dlr Sessions In '85
  124. Vh Chicago Show...
  125. In a cold sweat?
  126. DLR boot from 1988 Skicraper tour to trade !
  127. Dave's Last Show
  128. Is there better versions of the demos?
  129. VH "At The Best"
  130. VH MP3's?
  131. 1981 Tour intro to Ice Cream Man
  132. bigdogdo??
  133. "Black Star"
  134. Looking for the following ...................
  135. Looking for "Rocks the Beer Hall" boot
  136. Lookin for DLR Finland 99 pro shot vid?
  137. 2-1-89 Tokyo,Japan--Best of Both Worlds outtro
  138. Caracas '83 pro video?
  139. Largo,MD 5-1-80 SOUNDBOARD
  140. Sammy, 7-15-97
  141. pensacola mtr spdway
  142. sammy and gary era
  143. Was there a place to download this Unchained video,I guess I didn't see it.
  144. Eddie's solo on the '80 tour
  145. Thankyou Glenn , you the man , Great Bunch of guys here on this site
  146. who is in favor???
  147. Essential Bootlegs from the ROTH ERA
  148. DAWN OF 5150 and WACF studio sessions on CD up for grabs!!
  149. CD Burning Question???
  150. Live 1984 recordings?
  151. I'm looking for a 78 or 79 video
  152. Live 1984 recordings?
  153. US Festival/South American Assault
  154. Jerel-Trading Tree????
  155. Loony Tunes-Song 8 on Disc 3
  156. Where does VHND hide their entrance to the batcave??
  157. DLR Unreleased-What are These 3 Songs?
  158. does anyone have heartfelt for hartford?
  159. July 30,1996 Hagar and the Dead
  160. Anyone have DLR or Sammy lists?
  161. Free boot vs. boot trade
  162. Help!!! I Need Coverart!!!!!
  163. reggie hayse good trader
  164. Mothers Day Meltdown
  165. "Grand Rapids '98" CD
  166. Recommend a Trader - Give + or - feedback here
  167. VH3 Tour- Mansfield,Mass. bootleg question
  168. Brand Spankin' New VH Bootlegs!!!
  169. Any Oregon boots?
  170. Super rare shit from the mighty club days
  171. Glitter?
  172. Van Halen 1975 show w/Air Castle
  173. Kind of off-topic...recording concerts
  174. Largo 1980 Video somewhere....
  175. DLR unleashed and unreleased
  176. Panama video - live footage
  177. Online trades of rare boots?
  178. Fair Warning Boot
  179. Bootleg Question #1
  180. Bootleg Question #2
  181. Bootleg Question #3
  182. Bootleg Question #4
  183. Bootleg Question #5
  184. Bootleg Question #6
  185. dave/dlrband 99 pro ???
  186. US Festival-What's That Song
  187. Napster screen names
  188. VH1 Garage Band
  189. Red House
  190. All Star Garage Band
  191. bootlegs
  192. The rights and wrongs of bootlegs
  193. '78 Boots/Videos
  194. Boots Online
  195. What is everyone's favorite boot??
  196. Missing 2 songs...
  197. Thanks everyone
  198. Honolulu '98 boot? (Plus a cool link to check out!)
  199. Bullethead
  200. New discs = unreleased tunes?
  201. Internet Unreleased Volumes 1-7
  202. Grand Funk Railroad
  203. Fav. boots by other bands?
  204. Live at the 10 spot
  205. How many boots do you have?
  206. What format are you boots in?
  207. Where to find boots?
  208. Anyone see this boot before?
  209. Pro disc and regular CDR
  210. FTP for boots, Jerel?
  211. dlr band audience shot ( ?? )
  212. Get your trading site hosted at vhvault.com for free!
  213. Thank you Jerel
  214. Air Castle 1975
  215. Jump???
  216. VH VCD's/SVCD's
  217. Looking for a few cds.
  218. Blueprint and TAF
  219. Best Dave Bootleg Quotes
  220. Wanted!!! "Van Halen 2000 tribute"
  221. I HAVE THE PRO SHOT 84 HOT FOR TEACHER In Mpeg format!!!!!!!
  222. Finishin what they started?
  223. DaveTV 1999 Episodes 1-4 Bootleg
  224. Need help converting!
  225. Looking for some bootlegs
  226. Boot help
  227. The Appamann - VH FTP
  228. June 1st or 3rd, 1976
  229. 1980 London Invasion
  230. Won't Get Fooled Again
  231. Coverart Needed!
  232. Bootlegs online at newsgroup today!!!
  233. Looney Tunes
  234. Acoustic Full Bug intro by Dave live on the Diver Down Tour?
  235. Does anyone know this trader?
  236. Yokohama
  237. ???sherman cds???
  238. Trade.
  239. owners opinion???
  240. Lets get rockn - live and crosstown traffic
  241. '95 NY Balance Tour Vid
  242. Cover Art questions
  243. New Guy From Canada.....
  244. How many leftover VH original songs are there?
  245. I'm Back
  246. Hagar Bootleg Question
  247. [vh]the 30 craziest people in the world
  248. Best FW Boot
  249. New Show Posted
  250. Sammy Hagar SOLO shows wanted!