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  1. Israel vs. Palestine - the Bloodening
  2. No Citizenship Proof Required to Vote
  3. The Official Rand Paul Thread...
  4. Obama Sucks!
  6. US Ambassador to Libya killed
  8. Do Americans Think We Face Tyranny?
  9. Obama: I’ll introduce my own immigration bill if Congress doesn’t move
  10. Palin: Obama Should 'Pay His Respects' to Chris Kyle with 'Gesture of Condolence'
  11. " I think the country is ready for Hillary "
  12. Muslim Brotherhood Launches Own U.S. Political Party
  13. Iraq's 2nd largest city falls to militants
  14. George Floyd & the protesting & rioting across the USA!
  15. Federal court upholds U.S. flag ban on Cinco de Mayo
  16. Iran & USA: A rapprochement?
  17. Eric Holder To Step Down As Attorney General
  18. Beam Me Up..expelled congressman James TraficantJr has died
  19. Bill Maher Vs Ben Affleck Over Radical Islam
  20. White House announces plan to train 50,000 people
  21. FEC chairman warns govt flirting with regulatory ‘review board’ for Internet videos
  22. When It Comes Down To It - Are You Liberal Or Conservative?
  23. Osama bin Laden death a fake, already dead years ago.
  24. Americans Don't Know How Good They Have It With Obama
  25. Dem Senator Says He Won’t Put Up With His Party’s ‘Bulls**t’ If they Try to Do This
  26. Jon Stewart Educates Bill O'Reilly On Why The Democrats Lost The Midterms
  27. Connecticut goes from a $100 mill surplus before the elections to debt after.......
  28. "Bush Admin" Freed Gitmo Prisoner Is Now Chief ISIS Recruiter
  29. Democratic senators call on Fannie, Freddie regulator to boost home lending
  30. “Rights are special privileges the government gives you.”
  31. Bill Maher Agrees With Gruber - Americans Are Stupid
  32. Everybody Hates Americans - My Life Abroad As The Maligned Other
  33. White House unveils regulatory roadmap (3,415 Regulations)
  34. Congressional Budget Office suggests 10% reduction in government workforce...
  35. Chris Rock On Race Relations, Obama And Bush
  36. Personal Freedom Rankings By Country 2014
  37. It's Official - America Is Now #2
  38. It's Official - Canada Slips to #15
  39. 600 Reasons Why Stephen Harper Is A Scumbag
  40. Hostages Killed During Rescue Mission in Yemen
  41. December 7, 1941
  42. The Senate Committee's Report on CIA Torture
  43. The anti-American 'Pledge of Allegiance
  44. Only 1% Of Fox News Viewers Are Black
  45. GOP senator blocks veterans' suicide prevention bill
  46. U.S. and Cuba, in Breakthrough, Will Resume Diplomatic Relations
  47. 5 Reasons Jeb Bush Is A 2016 Front-Runner — And 5 Reasons He Isn't
  48. Vermont Abandons Pursuit For Single Payer Healthcare
  49. Obama: I’m Jewish ‘in my soul’
  50. Stephen Harper Doesn't Care What The Provinces Have To Say
  51. Jonathan Turley:'Über Prseidency' Being Created
  52. America's 20 Craziest Politicians
  53. The new 'Obamaphone' is broadband
  54. Al Sharpton Arguably Now The Most Powerful Person in America
  55. Bizarre sex story involving Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz and Price Andrew .
  56. Awkward Time for Joe Biden
  57. MI5: Al Qaeda Plotting New Massacre In Britain
  58. Republicans Take Credit For Democrat Economic Growth
  59. Families' outrage at Libya war graves desecration
  60. NYPD, other law enforcement on alert after ISIS threat
  61. Can we all unite and agree not to vote for a Clinton or a Bush in 2016?
  62. Top Obamacare Chief Resigns In Wake of Phony Figures Fiasco
  63. Obama Will Propose Tax Hikes For The Rich And Tax Cuts For The Middle Class
  64. Montage:112 Unkept Promises from Earlier Obama SOTU Addresses
  65. Mad As Hell - The Young Turks Documentary Trailer
  67. Only A Fool Would Underestimate Justin Trudeau In The Federal Election
  68. Deficit Shrinks To Lowest Level Of Obama Presidency
  69. Confederate Flag Hags
  70. GOP Proposes Obamacare To Replace Obamacare - Boehner/McConnell Bomb On 60 Minutes
  71. Sarah Palin "Rambled Incoherently" - GOP Crowd Stunned
  73. Rand Paul gives first snapchat interview
  74. The Most And Least Christian Cities In America
  75. Sociologists Reveal Shocking Results of ‘Christianophobia' Research
  76. McCain calls protesters "low life scum"
  77. Russian bombers in the skies near the UK: RAF jets scramble to intercept
  78. Religious People Are Less Intelligent Than Atheists
  79. Mitt Romney Out - No Presidential Run in 2016
  80. Internet Trolls Are Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Sadists
  81. Republicans Pretend To Care About The Middle Class
  82. Medical Tourism - Qquality care overseas that meets or exceeds Western Standards
  83. Do GOP Candidates Have To Kiss Roger Ailes' Ring To Become A Frontrunner?
  84. San Fran's Borderlands Books is closing...due to minimum wage
  85. Huckabee says gay marriage is just like alcohol or profanity
  86. Doctor *cough* Rand Paul is an anti-vaxer
  87. Child Pornography Found At The Vatican
  88. Socialist Party Pushing $20 Minimum Wage Defends $13-An-Hour Job Listing
  89. Republican Lawmaker - Childbirth Resulting From Rape Is Beautiful
  90. Canadian Supreme Court Rules that Canadians have the right to die
  91. Sarah Palin Book Editor - You Betcha I Was Wrong About Sarah Palin
  92. Greece wants $236 billion in German World War II reparations
  93. Wall Street‘s ‘no lose’ view of 2016
  94. Rep. Cummings: People ‘Come to Government To Feed Their Souls’
  95. Shoot or don't shoot: Police scenarios prove eye-opening for civil rights leaders
  96. 28 Reasons I’m DONE Talking To Most Of My Conservative Friends And Family Members
  97. canada's "fox news" going out of business
  98. Canadian Mother's Powerful Post On Measles And Anti-Vaxxers - "I Blame You"
  99. Joe Biden gets really creepy...
  100. GOP Candidate Scott Walker
  101. US cannot win war against ISIS by killing, they need ‘job opportunities’ – State Dept
  102. Loretta Lynch Is Eric Holder 2.0
  103. "I do not believe this president loves America"
  104. Tucker Carlson Ousted By Fox News Corp
  105. Rahm Emanuel forced to face runoff in Chicagoland Mayoral Race
  106. Austria Reforms 1912 Islam Law In Order To Combat Radicalism
  107. Hillary's Top Aides knew Benghazi was under terrorist attack in first minutes
  108. Egypt declares Hamas a 'terrorist organization'
  109. IRS Defends Giving Refunds to Illegal Immigrants
  111. Scott Walker
  112. Canadian Government Facing Pressure to Outlaw Muslim Brotherhood
  113. Dolce & Gabbana Oppose Gay Marriage, Gay Parenting, Surrogacy
  114. Mandatory Voting? Obama Says It Would Be 'Transformative'
  115. Ted Cruz to Announce on Monday He Plans to Run for President
  116. Harry Reid, Senior DHS Official Implicated in Visa Scheme
  117. Here are the odds of who will win in 2016
  118. Harry Reid to exit in 2016
  119. Stephen F Cohen - It is The Most Dangerous Time Since the Cuban Missile Crisis
  120. Jade Helm 15 Military Drill
  121. We are helping the Saudis fight the Iranian backed rebels in Yemen, but we are......
  122. John McCain Says He Is ‘Confident’ Lindsey Graham Will Run for President
  123. WTF?? “But it’s part of the football culture, . . . "
  124. This makes my head hurt
  125. None dare call it "Racism" in South Africa
  126. GOP New Hampshire Forum April 17-18, 2015 - The Road to the Whitehouse
  127. State seizes 11-year-old, arrests his mother after he defends medical Marijuana
  128. Jeb Is Next: ‘Clinton Cash’ Author Also Probing Potential GOP Candidate’s Finances
  129. German Woman Surprises Israeli Students Visiting Auschwitz
  130. Shocker! Al Jazeera Anti Semitic and Anti American
  131. Baltimore Charges against Police = Duke Lacrosse case all over again
  133. Russia celebrates 70th Anniversary of WWII VD
  134. Chris Christie Reportedly Used Lots of Tax Dollars for Food and Alcohol
  135. North Korea Executes General with anti-aircraft gun!
  136. 51-Year-Old Actor Michael Enright Joins Kurdish Militia to Fight ISIS
  137. Jeb Bush finally gives his answer to the "Question".... about the Iraq War
  138. Air Force general who spoke of God in talk should be court-martialed, group says
  139. Bernie Sanders Speaks Out Against Intrusive Surveillance
  140. L.A. labor unions seek exemption to minimum wage law they supported
  141. Love her or hate her, she's on point: Ann Coulter
  142. Phoenix Bikers Sponsor ‘Draw Muhammad’ Contest on Friday
  143. TSA Chief re-assigned after big FAIL
  144. U.S. or Sharia law?
  145. WikiLeaks releases documents related to controversial US trade pact
  146. Patrick Stewart Comes Out in Support of Christian Bakers Convicted of Discrimination
  147. House Republicans Vote To Allow Employers To Fire Women For Using Birth Control?!?!?
  148. Corporate Welfare, Corporatism & The Corporate State by Ralph Nadar
  152. Obama Announces Shift in US Hostage Policy
  153. Farm Owners Who Were Fined for Refusing to Host a Gay Wedding Fight Back
  154. Obama working to make Vietnam an ally in dealing with China’s rise
  155. Russia may ban Soros charity in NGO crackdown
  156. Oregon allowing 15-year-olds to get state-subsidized sex-change operations
  157. California Moving to Open Obamacare to Illegals
  158. Isn't it the Democrats that lack diversity in their party?
  159. Democrats drop Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson from dinner name
  160. Ted Cruz Accuses Mitch McConnell of Lying and Behaving Like Harry Reiid
  161. DNC Chair Grilled on MSNBC: ‘What’s the Difference Between a Democrat and a Socialist
  162. Red State Gathering Conference Videos
  163. POLITICS Black Lives Matter Activists Get Right in Bernie Sanders’ Face During Speech
  164. Obama Hopes To Seize Momentum For Criminal Justice Reform
  165. Muslim Parent Warns School Board ‘We’re Going to Be the Majority Soon’
  166. Boehner cuts and runs
  167. Russians, Syrians and Iranians setting up military coordination cell in Baghdad
  168. RATM Bassist Doesn't Believe ISIS Is Real
  169. Muslims condemn Britain's plans to combat extremism
  170. Webb exits the Democratic presidential primary
  171. Canadian Elections
  172. Trudeau to Obama: Canada to pull out of bombing campaign against ISIS
  173. GOP Congress Signing Off on Two Year Budget That Would Empower Obama
  174. After CNBC debacle, Carson camp vows revolt over debates
  175. Top Democrat: Islamic State Wouldn’t Be So Powerful if U.S. Didn’t Topple Dictators
  176. Senator Ted Cruz Quotes
  177. Paul Ryan just rolled over without any fight
  178. Trans-Pacific Partnership
  179. Americans are world's most charitable, top 1% provide 1/3rd of all donations
  180. McConnell fast-tracks Graham's ISIS war bill
  181. New York Times: Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are not true Latino's
  182. Tommy Chong for President
  183. Triumph The Insult Comic Dog Talks To Young Voters In New Hampshire
  184. Justice Scalia dead at 79
  185. John Kerry Says Migrants Pose ‘Near Existential’ Threat to Europe
  186. How Bernie Sanders’ Wall Street Tax Hurts the Middle Class
  187. Mark Levin TV Show
  188. America - Incarceration Nation with 1/4 of the World's Prisioners
  189. Canada For President In 2016
  190. The Fall of The House of Bush
  191. Obama Sends Plan To Close Guantánamo To Congress
  192. Ontario To Offer Free Tuition For Students From Low Income Families
  193. Income Inequality Is Higher In Democratic Districts Than Republican Ones
  194. NY Times Bombshell Scoop: Fox News Colluded with Rubio to Give Amnesty to Illegal Ali
  195. Kevin O'Leary Predicts Justin Trudeau Won't Last 4 Years As PM
  196. Adam Carolla Tells America Who Not to Vote for
  197. Conservative Ben Stein May Vote Democrat For The First Time
  198. So Apparently #MoveToCanada Is A Thing
  200. Louis C.K - Trump Is Hitler
  201. What Is Your Stance On Assisted Suicide?
  202. Arnold Schwarzenegger Endorses Republican Candidate John Kasich
  203. So will it be Ryan-Romney Ticket or Ryan-Bush??
  204. Joe Biden Apologizes To Mexico Over GOP Rhetoric
  205. Confessions Of A Republican
  206. Pro-gun Poster Girl Is Shot In The Back By Her Four-Year-Old Son
  207. Obama Welcomes Justin Trudeau To The White House
  208. Nancy Reagan Funeral Announcements
  209. Ontario's Guaranteed Minimum Income Experiment Coming This Fall
  210. Ontario Assisted Dying: Court Allows 81-Year-Old Man To Have Doctors Help Him Die
  211. It's Looking Like Rob Ford's Days May Be Numbered
  212. Trudeau’s first budget
  213. Nixon Aide Reportedly Admitted Drug War Was Meant To Target Black People
  214. Stop Asking Bernie Sanders How He Will Pay For Stuff
  215. Jian Ghomeshi - Not Guilty Of Sexual Assault Charges
  216. Corporate influence over government is "our Dred Scott" ...unless they agree with me
  217. Bill Clinton Knocks Awful Legacy Of The Last 8 Years
  218. Why are we hell bent on self destruction?
  219. Did Jesus Really Exist?
  220. Christian Minister Goes Off On Anti-LGBT Bigots
  221. NRA Rewrites Classic Fairy Tales To Add Guns
  222. #feeltheJohnson
  223. Islamic Holy War against Christians Continues . . .
  224. California Raises Minimum Wage To $15 An Hour
  225. The Bernie Sanders thread
  226. Governor Cuomo Bans Non-Essential State Travel to North Carolina
  227. Canadians And Americans - How Different Are We?
  228. 35 years ago today ...
  229. The Abortion Debate Thread
  230. Which Extreme Would You Prefer - President Trump Or President Sanders?
  231. Why Is Feminism Viewed As A Negative?
  232. Some Cultures Are Better Than Others - The West Is Best
  233. Canada's 11th Province?
  234. Mississippi Gov. Signs Sweeping Anti-LGBT "Religious Liberty" Law
  235. Shame On You Rick Scott!!!
  236. Bill Maher, Sammy Hagar ... 1997
  237. Obama administration pushes banks to make home loans to people with weaker credit
  238. News Anchor Speaks Out After Being Fired for 'Racist' Facebook Post
  239. Unfortunate Acceptable Loss And The Free Market
  240. Obama - Trump And Cruz Have Done Us A Favor
  241. How Will Each Candidate's Tax Plan Affect You - Use This Calculator
  242. "Uber for women," Chariot for Women, to launch April 19. But is it legal?
  243. Leave It To Canadians To Make A Perfect U.S. Campaign Ad
  244. Canadian Prime Minister Seeks To Legalize Physician-Assisted Suicide
  245. Stephen Harper's Son Criticizes Fiscal Policies Of Trudeau, Etc.
  246. Metis, Off-Reserve Natives Win Indian Status In Supreme Court Ruling
  247. Wal-Mart Workers Have Something To Say About Working For Wal-Mart
  248. Libertarian Debate
  249. U.S. Taxpayers Must Call Out All The Deadbeats Who Ride For Free
  250. Here's How Every Argument Against A Minimum Wage Hike Is Bullshit